The FBI released a previously secret memo of the 9/11 investigation

The FBI released the first documents related to its investigation on Saturday September 11, 2001, following an executive order from President Joe Biden, alleging the Saudi government’s support for the attacks and kidnappers on the United States.

Relatives of the victims had called on Biden to skip memorial events to mark Saturday’s 20th anniversary if he did not make public documents they claimed supported the plot by Saudi Arabian officials.

A partially revised 16-page document released by the FBI outlined contacts between the hijackers and Saudi allies, but there was no evidence the government was involved in the attacks in Riyadh that killed nearly 3,000 people.

Saudi Arabia has long said it had no role in the attacks. The Saudi embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment sent late on Saturday.

In a statement issued on 8 September, the embassy said Saudi Arab The U.S. has always advocated transparency around the events of September 11, 2001, and welcomes the United States’ release of classified documents related to the attacks.

Twin Towers after being hit, 9/11(Credit: Sean Adair/Reuters)Twin Towers after being hit, 9/11(Credit: Sean Adair/Reuters)

“As revealed by previous investigations, including the 9/11 Commission and the issuance of the so-called ’28 pages’, no evidence has ever emerged to indicate that the Saudi government or its officials had prior knowledge of the terrorist attack. was or they were involved in any way,” the embassy statement said.

Of the 19 hijackers, 15 were from Saudi Arabia. A US government commission found no evidence that Saudi Arabia directly funded al Qaeda, the group that was given safe haven by the Taliban in Afghanistan at the time. It remained open whether individual Saudi officials might have.

The families of nearly 2,500 of those killed, and more than 20,000 who were injured, businesses and various insurance companies have sued Saudi Arabia seeking billions of dollars.

In a statement on behalf of the organization 9/11 Family United, Terry Strada, whose husband Tom was killed on September 11, said the document released Saturday by the FBI casts aside any doubts about Saudi involvement in the attacks. put on the bed.

“Now the Saudi secrets are exposed and it is too old for the Kingdom to play the role of its officers in the killing of thousands of people on American soil,” the statement said.