Terrorist weapon cache explodes in Gaza, 1 dead, several injured – IDF

A terrorist weapons cache exploded in a house in Gaza’s Khan Yunis on Tuesday. kill one and injure manyAccording to IDF international spokesman Lt. Col. Richard Hecht and Palestinian media.

“Another tragedy in the Gaza Strip today,” Hecht tweeted. “An unsecured weapon exploded at the home of a member of a Palestinian terrorist group, killing a small child nearby.”

However, Palestinian media outlet Shehab News reported the death as Nidal al-Atal, a young man, caused by an “accidental explosion” near a house. There is news of a teenager being injured in the incident.

Terrorist weapons in Gajanan homes

Terrorist organizations such as Hamas in Gaza have previously been recorded storing civilian goods and ammunition in residential areas. at the end of July, IDF reveals target list These included an arms warehouse next to Shifal Hospital and an ammunition depot in a mosque. A munitions production facility was identified in a residential building and next to a public library.

The IDF warned of one of the ammunition storage sites, “An explosion, an accident or even a fire at the warehouse could result in injury to civilians, from worshipers at the mosque to people receiving humanitarian aid.” Is.”

“These are the sad consequences of militarizing civilian areas for terrorist activities.”

IDF International Spokesman Lt. Col. Richard Hecht

During Operation Breaking Dawn, many civilian casualties And at least two terrorists casualties were caused by misfire islamic jihad rocket, Rocket fire was also documented as being launched from civilian areas.

Anna Ahronheim and the Jerusalem Post staff contributed to this report.