Taliban kills child on suspicion of his father being member of Afghan resistance force

New Delhi: The Taliban brutally killed a child in Afghanistan’s Takhar province on suspicion that his father was part of Afghan resistance forces, the Panjshir Observer reported. Panjshir Observer is an independent media outlet covering Panjshir and the contemporary situation in Afghanistan.

“Child killed by Taliban fighters in Takhar province after being suspected of being in resistance to his father. #WarCrimes #Afghanistan,” Panjshir Observer tweeted on Sunday.

The hanging of a child is one of the latest incidents under Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. The Taliban took control of Afghanistan on August 15, 2021 with the statement that there would be no killings as revenge. However, Panjshir’s situation sheds light on how the Taliban are brutally killing people for revenge. Earlier last week, the US broadcast television network ABC reported that searches were underway for members of resistance forces and former government-related members as part of retaliatory killings across the country. “They attacked my family five times,” ABC reported in its report, quoting a youth from Panjshir.

A young man told ABC News that he saw three women dead at a gate on the province’s border.

According to the ANI report, the Taliban is trying to project a liberal image of its government to the world to gain international support. However, experts observed that the Kabul airport scenes were evidence that the terrorist group has returned to the mainstream with an oppressive and aggressive mindset.
