Covid-19 Spread In Over 70 Percent US Household Started With A Kid, Says Study

While children were the least affected by the Covid-19 disease, a study shows that 70.4 percent…

Indian-origin scientist among UBC researchers unveils world’s first molecular-level analysis of omicrons

Image Source: Representative Image The findings, published in the journal Science, shed new light on why…

Omicron may evade protection offered by COVID vaccine, antibody therapy: Study – Times of India

Washington: omicron can escape the immune protection provided by covid-19 vaccines and natural infections, according to…

South African study finds Pfizer offers only partial protection against Omicron

New Delhi: Peer-reviewed lab studies suggest that the Pfizer vaccine provides less protection against the Omicron…

Third wave of Kovid in Mumbai unlikely to be as big as second wave: Study

Mumbai: Nearly 80% of the population in Maharashtra’s capital Mumbai is likely to be exposed to…