Sudan: Killing of protesters in Sudan ‘extremely shameful’: UN rights chief – Times of India

GENEVA: The UN rights chief on Thursday condemned the use of ammunition by Sudan’s security forces against peaceful protesters, after 15 protesters were killed in the bloodiest day since the October 25 coup.
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet said that his office had repeatedly appealed SudanU.S. military and security forces to “abstain from the use of unnecessary and disproportionate force against protesters”.
“It is extremely shameful that ammunition was used again yesterday against the protesters,” he said in a statement.
“The shooting at large crowds of unarmed protesters, which killed dozens and injured many others, is reprehensible, clearly aimed at suppressing expression of public dissent, and amounts to a blatant violation of international human rights law.”
At least 15 people were killed during mass protests on Wednesday, raising the death toll since the coup to 39.
The United Nations Office of Rights, citing reliable medical sources, said more than 100 others were injured, with 80 people firing bullets to their upper bodies and heads.
Police said 89 officers were injured.
The protests were the latest to have rocked Sudan since top Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhani – The de facto leader of Sudan since the removal of the longtime president since April 2019 Omar al-Bashiro – Detained civilian leadership last month and declared a state of emergency.
The latest demonstrations were held across Sudan despite a near-complete shutdown of internet services and disruption of telephone lines.
“Blanket Internet and telecommunications shutdowns violate fundamentals of necessity and proportionality and violate international law,” Bachelet said.
She warned that communication shutdowns meant that people were “unable to call ambulances to treat injured protesters, families unable to check on the safety of their loved ones, and hospitals unable to reach doctors as emergency rooms do. are full.”
Bachelet urged the authorities to release all those detained only for protesting.
He also condemned the increasing targeting of journalists in Sudan, including reports of arbitrary arrests and attempted kidnappings.
“With the internet shut down, the role of journalists is particularly important in getting the necessary information on the current situation,” she emphasized.
“But I fear that an increasingly hostile environment against them could lead to self-censorship, and further threaten media pluralism and freedom.”
