Student of the Year: First female Indian teen to score 100 percentile in JEE gets Best Student Award

While the Covid-19 pandemic had put a halt to education and changed the way children learned and interacted, there was no stopping their dreams. Despite the odds, we have students who have made it big this year. From a teenager who was awarded among the best students in the world, to a student who scored full marks in NEET, yet broke stereotypes. From two female students scoring 100 percentile in JEE Main – the engineering entrance exam dominated by male students and creating history.

As we look past year 2021, here’s a dose of inspiration from future generations

Mrinal Kuteri: The neat topper who broke the stereotype

Mrinal Kutteri

Mrinal cracked AIR 1 in NEET 2021 by studying only four hours a day. The topper scored full marks and set an unbeatable record, however, his achievement was huge as he broke stereotypes along with academic records.

Unlike the usual when medical entrance exam toppers swear by tight schedules, long study hours, Mrinal claims to have watched sitcoms on Netflix and Amazon while preparing. Mrinal said that he could not follow a certain routine and took Break every 45 minutes. He also inspired other students to find their own preparation methods and routines.

“I used to be intimidated to read interviews of toppers who claim to study for at least 12 hours a day. When I was at home during the pandemic, I had a phone, TV and laptop. All these were distracting and in the beginning, I had to concentrate and redirect myself towards studies. It got better with time. I used to spend almost 4 hours studying every day,” said Mrinal. The 18-year-old is now set to become the first doctor in her family.

Kavya Chopra: First woman to top engineering entrance

Kavya Chopra

Kavya, who hails from Delhi, is among two women who have secured rank 1 in JEE Main 2021, which is predominantly male-dominated. Chopra had scored 99.97 in 100 percentile in February attempt and March attempt.

Now an IITian, ​​Chopra told that it was her supportive parents who always treated her and her brother equally, which helped her see opportunities without the lesser gender.

“I was never personally discriminated against on the basis of my gender, but I know that many girls in India are not as privileged as I am. Even though I have never been discriminated against, but I know what other girls go through,” said the 17-year-old. She hopes her achievement will “open doors for other girls”.

Pal Agarwal cracks IIT, NIT, IISc entrance exam

Pal Aggarwal

Pal, who hails from Ghaziabad, had scored 99.988 percentile in February and a perfect 100 the next time. He has also broken the glass ceiling. The only year in which we had a female topper for JEE Mains, there was a tie t 100 percentile between two girls.

Agarwal not only clarified JEE Mains but also got admission in IISc Bangalore by cracking KVPY exam, She now aims to become an astrophysicist – even in this field the participation of women is low.

“My parents always treated me and my brother equally, they never made me feel that gender is considered when making choices. I want to be an astrophysicist; It is not seen as a women-friendly option. My parents never asked me to go into computer science or any other field,” she told

Ruparel Yuvraj

Ruparel Yuvraj

The 14-year-old from Mumbai has been awarded by The Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) for his exceptional performance in the SAT, ACT and other similar assessment tests. More than 19,000 meritorious students from 84 countries participated in the competition and Less than 20 percent of participants qualified Ruparel is one of them for the CTY High Honors Awards.

He represented India and became one of the best students around the world. He said that his love for mathematics has helped him to crack international examinations. He also qualified for CTY’s online and summer programs.

On clearing several international exams, he said there is a huge difference in the way students from India and the world are assessed. That said, international exams are more application-based and test logic as compared to concepts tested in Indian exams.

Mridul Agarwal has scored highest ever in IIT entrance

Mridul Agarwal

Mridul scored the highest ever in JEE Advanced 2021 and secured rank 1. He scored 348 marks or 99.66 percentile out of 360 marks. Mridul scored 348 out of 360 which is about 96 percent. Earlier, the highest marks were scored by Chirag Fallor, who topped the Advanced in 2020 by securing 352 marks with 88 per cent marks.

He also cracked IISc Entrance, KVPY. a A native of Rajasthan, he secured 100 percentile 99.99 percentile in JEE Main March attempt and February attempt. He said that he did not have any fixed timetable, but focused on daily goals. “Every morning I would decide to complete a topic or two per day and dig deep into each of them. If I would have finished the day before it was over, I would have talked to my friends,” Agarwal said.

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