Strength Training vs Weight Training: Which One Should You Choose?

Working out is not only about shedding the extra kilos but it means strengthening your muscles at the same time so that your body looks toned. A balanced work out session comprises exercises of both cardiovascular exercises and weight training.

Weight training helps your muscles to build strength by lifting up weights. Cardio exercises help your body to burn the extra calories, hence giving you a slim body. Another form of training is strength training in which strengthens your muscles.

When gym trainer asks you to do the weight training and strength training exercises, we often get confused between both. As both builds the muscle strength, people assume it to be the same. However, this is not the case. Let’s see how both differ from each other.

strength training

As the name suggests, strength training is all about building up strength by increasing muscle mass. Strength training need not require any kind of equipment. The strength training exercises can be performed by using swiss ball, rope, benches, and so on or without anything. Strength training is basically done for long-term results in which a person builds a perfect cut body. It is also important for losing weight as when we build muscle mass, it automatically results in weight loss. Strength training is done by persons who have specific goals like muscle building, improving joint function, and physical conditioning. It requires a qualified coach to have a workout plan which includes weight exercises, strength exercises and conditioning.

Weight Training

Weight training is quite self-explanatory. Unlike strength training, weight training can only be performed using weights like dumbbells, barbells, sand bags, tires, and so on. Weight training exercises help in enhancing muscle strength and composition. Not just free weights, the weight training include the use of heavy machines too. Weight training is generally done by people who have short term plans of building muscle weight. The people who are under-weight opt ​​for such exercises too as they increase muscle weight and results in increasing weight. If you are carrying small weights, then it can be done at home also without supervision but while lifting heavy weights, you must do it in the supervision of a certified coach to reduce the risk of injuries.

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