Sperm count may remain low for months after covid-19 infection: new study

New Delhi: A new study has found that COVID-19 infection can affect a man’s sperm quality for months after he has recovered.

Researchers studying in Europe said that semen itself was not found to be infective with SARS-CoV-2 a week or more after COVID-19 infection, but decreased sperm motility was evident in 60 percent of the 35 men. Was. Of those whose samples were tested within a month of recovery, 37 percent were found to have low sperm counts.

study published in Fertility and sterility On Monday 120 Belgian men with an average age of 35 provided their semen samples an average of 52 days after their Covid-19 symptoms had stopped.

“…couples wishing to become pregnant should be warned that there may be reduced sperm quality following COVID-19 infection,” the report said.

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Estimated recovery time may be three months, but added that further follow-up studies are ongoing to confirm this.

The report said that studies are also being done to find out whether some men have suffered permanent damage from Kovid.

Samples from 51 men were tested between one and two months after recovery, and the study found that 37 percent of them had reduced sperm motility and 29 percent had low sperm counts.

Of the 34 men who gave samples at least two months after recovery, 28 percent had decreased sperm motility and 6 percent had low sperm counts.

However, the report specified that the severity of infection was not related to sperm characteristics.

Researchers assure that the virus is not transmitted sexually through sperm.

The authors said, “…we provide strong evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus cannot be transmitted sexually via sperm after recovering from COVID-19, as any semen sample does not contain viral RNA.”

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