Should you work out during periods? Learn from an Expert Nutritionist

Premenstrual syndrome and pain are what make period cycles work for many women. Unbearable pain not only causes mood swings but also drains the energy of the person. After this, women are often confused about whether they should work out during menstruation or skip it altogether. Nutritionist Nancy Dehra has posted a post on Instagram in response to these questions. He noted that the impact of ‘workout during a period cycle’ varies from person to person, adding that some factors such as “severity of PMS, menstrual discharge and pain threshold” play an important role in making the right choice.

How to decide whether you should exercise or not?

According to Nancy, people who have mild or no pain during periods, they can work out by adjusting the intensity slightly. It is important to remember that women may take longer to recover due to higher levels of progesterone before menstruation.

For women who are severely affected by PMS, exercise should be the last thing on their mind. However, the nutritionist said this group may benefit from yoga and stretching. Light activities will help ease symptoms and promote blood flow, he said.

Ideal Exercise During Period Cycle?

The workouts or exercises are not limited to high-intensity interval training, lifting heavy weights or running long distances. Nancy suggests that during the menstrual cycle, it is wise to incorporate light activities into the routine.

Weight lifting and high-intensity cardio can be replaced with yoga and stretching exercises, while you can also opt for swimming, cycling and light walking to improve your mood and energy levels during periods.

But above all, it’s important to listen to your body. Nancy said that if women want complete rest in the initial days then it is completely fine and there should be no guilt in them. According to nutritionists, one should understand the signals of his/her body and incorporate workouts, exercises or activities accordingly.

Citing a research, Nancy shared that women who work out regularly are more attuned to their bodies and can also predict the times to come. He further mentioned that exercise has also been shown to reduce PMS and better deal with period pain.

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