Shinzo Abe’s goal of revising Japan’s constitution ended after LDP election victory – Henry Club

Tokyo: Former Japan leader Shinzo Abe’s long-time goal is now nearing completion as Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, fresh off an election victory, has said he will push for an amendment to the constitution. to strengthen the role of the military,

The ruling coalition led by Mr. Kishida won a clear majority of parliamentary seats in Sunday’s election and could have enough votes in parliament to move forward with constitutional changes.

Politicians on both sides said the election demonstrated the nation’s commitment to democracy after Abe, the longest-serving prime minister in Japanese history. shot during election campaign Nara City.

Kei Sato said, “We will not bow down to this terrorism and we will not be afraid of it.” Mr. Sato wins his race and breaks away from the usual celebratory cheers.

The Liberal Democratic Party returned to power in 2012 under Mr Abe’s leadership and has won every national election since then.

Amendments to the constitution would require a two-thirds vote of both houses of parliament followed by a popular referendum. A US-written document adopted in 1947 stated that Japan would never maintain the same combat capability as land, sea and air forces. The country still has a de facto army, called the Self-Defense Force, which some scholars say is unconstitutional.

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated by a shooter during an operation. Footage showed Mr Abe – the country’s longest-serving leader – giving a speech that was interrupted by two loud blasts. Photo: Yuichi Yamazaki/Getty Images

Mr Kishida, who has generally not prioritized the issue, said lawmakers should expedite discussions about an amendment that would make clear that Japan’s military power is legal. He also advocated strengthening of government powers in case of an emergency like a major earthquake.

“I think these are urgent matters,” said Mr. Kishida. “I want to focus efforts on putting together a specific proposal” that parliament can introduce in a national referendum, he said.

However, left-leaning opposition politicians said they would fight against an amendment that they said could complicate Japan in foreign wars. As Mr. Abe found during his long term in power from 2012 to 2020, The issue can be a divisive distraction When the country faces economic challenges.

Mr. Kishida’s LDP won about half the seats in the upper house of parliament, based on most absolute results tabulated by the public broadcaster NHK. The coalition would maintain a solid majority of the Chamber, with seats held by the party called Komito, the coalition partner of the LDP.

LDP already holds a majority of the more powerful lower housewho was not up for election on Sunday as a result of his victory in an election last October.

Mr. Abe’s murder on Friday rocked a low-drama campaign. Authorities arrested a 41-year-old man, Tetsuya Yamagami, and said he was suspected of sneaking up behind Mr. Abe and firing a household gun at him. Police said Mr. Yamagami told investigators he had a problem with an organization he believed had ties to the former prime minister and so decided to kill Mr. Abe.

Police did not publicly name the organization or explain why the suspect linked it to Mr. Abe. Japanese news organizations, including the Asahi newspaper, said it was a religious group and said Mr. Yamagami told officials he was upset because he believed his mother would face financial difficulties when making a large donation to the group. Had to do had to face.

Mr. Yamagami’s custody was transferred from police to prosecutors on Sunday.

Foreign Minister Antony Blinken, who is on a visit to Asia, will visit Tokyo on Monday to condole the death of Mr Abe, the State Department said.

Renho, a former opposition leader who won re-election on Sunday and is a member of the current Upper House, said the ability of lawmakers from all sides to speak freely was the foundation for making the country better.

One Nam Renho said, “We cannot allow pressure or violence to deprive politicians of their words or their lives.”

Prime Minister Kishida, who previously served as Mr Abe’s foreign minister, spent as much Saturday as any day before the election, traveling by train and plane to campaign in cramped districts.

Posters for candidates outside a polling station in Tokyo.

Issy Kato/Reuters

After the vote, he said: “There was great importance in the fact that we were able to carry on with this election” despite Mr Abe’s shooting.

The vigorous retail campaign has been a central part of Japanese politics since it adopted universal suffrage and established parliamentary government in its US written constitution, which was adopted in 1947.

In the weeks before the election, candidates roamed their districts, delivering speeches at railway stations and shopping areas, usually with little or no security. Television advertising plays a lesser role than in the US due to regulations limiting the types of advertisements candidates can run.

write to Peter Landers [email protected]

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