Seers At Magh Mela Appeal To Vote In Polls | Allahabad News – Times of India

Prayagraj: Apart from delivering religious discourses at the ongoing Magh Melaprominent saints and seers camping on its campus on Friday carried out an awareness campaign among devotees and kalpwasis to make them aware about their voting rights and appealed to them to cast their votes in the state assembly polls.
Shri Shri 1008 Shri Ramkrishna Das ji Maharajpopularly known as Engineer Baba, of Kolhu Nath Khalsa said: “Voting keeps the society moving and it also brings welfare.
As daan (donation) has importance in every religion and religious activity, voting is also a part of religion. People should understand their responsibility towards society, state and nation and must vote in polls.”
He also said that they have to elect the right person as each and every vote counts in national building. President of Akhil Bharatiya Dandi SanyasiParishad, Swami Brahmashram Maharaj too appealed to the people of the state to vote in the state assembly election. He said that people should understand their role and responsibility towards the society and take part in the “dance of democracy”.
He also advised the people to choose the right candidate or people of good repute so that society could progress in the right direction.
Pujya Guru Ji of Om Namay Shivya also called upon devotees and pilgrims to vote. He added that people find the right opportunity and chance to elect leaders with a clean image and should never miss this chance. “It is our prime responsibility to elect good people through using our voting rights.”
Members of Kinnar Akhara also took out a campaign to create awareness among devotees about the importance of voting.
