SC Dismisses Plea of Candidates Seeking Extra Attempt in UPSC Civil Services Exam

Justice Rastogi also pointed to the list containing the names of the candidates and numbered the candidates' names and attempts (Representational Image)

Justice Rastogi also pointed to the list containing the names of the candidates and numbered the candidates’ names and attempts (Representational Image)

UPSC CSE Extra Attempt: Supreme Court dismisses the petition saying that the government can make a policy on this matter if it wants, but the court will have to draw the line somewhere

A Division Bench of the Supreme Court India was hearing a petition by upsc civil services exam Candidates who were unable to appear in their last attempt due to the Covid pandemic, are willing to make an extra effort to appear in the exam. The Supreme Court has dismissed the petition saying that if the government wants, it can make a policy on this matter, but the court will have to draw the line somewhere. “Let the government decide on the matter of policy,” the court said.

Justice Ajay Rastogi’s bench was hearing the matter of giving an additional chance to appear in the UPSC Civil Services Examination. The bench said that if the court has given a decision in a matter, then it cannot file petitions again and again. “We have to draw the line somewhere,” the bench said.

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The counsel appearing for the candidates said that this is not correct and sought facts. To which, Justice Rastogi said that the order cannot be reviewed. The government can make additional efforts by taking policy decisions. If they do so, our order will not come in the way.

Justice Rastogi also cited the example of a student who wanted to become an IAS officer. When he could not appear in the exam, he took admission in IIM. Then he got a job and went to America. If someone is intelligent, he can do many things.

Opposing the example of Justice Rastogi, advocate Gopal Sankaranarayan also said that if I give your example, the country will be deprived of a talented person. Candidates just want one more chance as they have crossed the age limit. Justice Rastogi also pointed to the list containing the names of the candidates and counted the names and attempts of the candidates.

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