Retail inflation rises 4.9% in November on oil, fuel prices – Times of India

New Delhi: retail inflation The momentum picked up to 4.9% in November, as against 4.5% in the previous month, which is in the form of edible oils and . was operated by fuel prices, which also affected the transportation cost.
The latest data released by the government on Monday showed that the oil and fat segment saw a rise in prices of around 30%, while the increase in the case of fuel and light was over 13%. The third biggest jump was seen in clothing and footwear, approaching 8%.

Vegetable prices were one of the factors for higher inflation, but they declined by 13.6% in November.
Reduction in fuel taxes helped reduce inflation. “CPI inflation for fuel and light, betel, tobacco and narcotics, and miscellaneous items was outpaced by a moderation increase in Inflation for food and beverages, housing, and clothing and footwear. its effect fuel tax cut Helped reduce the Transport and Communications sub-index by 0.6% in November 2021 in month-to-month (MoM) terms. However, all other categories of miscellaneous goods displayed a steep increase in MoM, from 0.2% for education to a sharper 0.9% for personal care and impacts, underlining rising price pressures in the economy,” ICRA Chief Economist Aditi Nair said. Pay attention.
barclays Said that the lower fuel levy “should help prevent upward movement in many goods and services”.
