Resignation of Mandi Board Chairman Lal Singh: The chair left before the start of wheat procurement; CM Bhagwant Mann said – have faith in me farmer

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  • Bhagwant Mann | Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann’s reaction after the resignation of Mandi Board Chairman Lal Singh

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Punjab Mandi Board chairman Lal Singh has resigned. Veteran Congress leader Lal Singh was given this post after Captain Amarinder Singh became the Chief Minister. Congress is now out of power in Punjab. The special thing is that the procurement of wheat is going to start soon in Punjab. In such a situation, due to the vacancy of the important post, the challenge for the AAP government led by Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann can increase.

However, CM Bhagwant Mann said that the government will buy every grain of the Pali crop like the children of farmers in the state. The time has passed for the distress of farmers in the mandis. Have faith in me

Procurement will start from April 1, target of 132 lakh tonnes
Wheat procurement in Punjab is going to start from April 1. The state government has set a target of 132 lakh tonnes of wheat procurement. The government claims that enough gunny bags (sacks) have reached the mandis. For wheat procurement, more than 2300 mandis have been set up in the state.

State got cash credit limit of 24,773.11 crore
The Punjab government has got a cash credit limit (CCL) of Rs 24,773.11 crore for wheat procurement. CM Bhagwant Mann thanked the central government for releasing the amount on time. He said that the Food and Civil Supplies Department would buy every single grain of wheat from the mandis. He said that the farmers would be paid the same day.

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