Ram leader condemns attack on police in Arab city

Ram Party leader Mansoor Abbas condemned the attack on police in the central Arab Israeli city of Kafr Qasim on Saturday night.

Abbas said after a phone call to the police chief, “I have expressed my unequivocal condemnation to Commissioner of Police Kobi Shabtai, wishing the police officers a speedy recovery, and upholding the rule of law and cooperation with the police.” Emphasis is placed on the responsibility of

The head of the Islamist Coalition party said, “I expressed my desire to work together to improve trust, working relations and cooperation between the police and Arab citizens, so that together we can defeat crime and increasing violence in Arab society.” “

Police arrested four suspects over the weekend after several officers were attacked early Friday by private security guards working for Kafr Qasim. Authorities sought to enter the city’s municipality after receiving a report that someone had been violently driven into the building, but was denied entry by guards. There was a scuffle over this and several policemen were beaten up and blood was shed.

Hebrew media reported on Saturday that the guards were part of an organization appointed by local leaders to maintain order in the city amid an epidemic of violent crime in the Arab community. According to Channel 13 news, MK Walid Taha of the alliance’s Ram Party was himself involved in forming the group. Taha did not comment.

In response to the attack on officials, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Saturday condemned “violence in Arab society”, which he said had “reached an intolerable point.”

He tweeted, ‘We will fight this with all our might. I hope that the Arab community, which is asking the state to intervene, will give full support and support to the police officers.”

MK Mansoor Abbas at the Knesset in Jerusalem on June 21, 2021. (Jonatan Sindel/Flash 90)

Public Security Minister Omar Barlev described the private security guards as “local militias” who were “arrested and brought to justice anyone who thought he might raise a hand against those in uniform.” Will go.”

In a video of the incident, policemen can be seen arguing with a man who apparently locked the door of the building during the fight, and one of the officers used a teaser.

The bullied man, apparently unfazed, then punched the officer several times in the face, causing him to fall to the ground as others scuffled with another cop.

Shortly after, as two officers tried to detain a suspect, another man exited the building and can be seen assaulting the officers.

Two officers and a police volunteer required medical treatment after the fight.

During the remand hearings of the two suspects, a police representative described the guards at Kafr Qasim as “kind of private police”. Both the suspects have been ordered to remain in custody for two more days.

“These are the people who have taken the law into their own hands,” the police representative said.

Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai condemned the attack.

“We will not accept a situation in which police officers cause harm while performing their duties,” Shabtai said. “We will not let this go down… We will do everything to bring the criminals to justice.”

The municipality issued a statement on Saturday condemning the incident, saying the attack on police was “outrageous” and then condemning any attack on officials “doing their job” in Qasim. It thanked the police for their role in maintaining security in the city.

The incident came as police tried to tackle a growing wave of violent crime in the Arab community. A 40-year-old Arab man was shot dead on a street in Haifa on Friday night, marking the 95th death of large-scale violence in Arab society this year.

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