Rahul Gandhi’s taunt on expensive oil: Congress leader said- inflation continues to grow, good days are heavy on the country; PM’s responsibility only to friends!

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  • Rahul Gandhi | Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi Attacks PM Narendra Modi Acche Din On PNG CNG Price Hike

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Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has taken a jibe at the Modi government over the ever-increasing petrol and diesel prices in the country. Rahul, MP from Wayanad, Kerala, attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday, saying that inflation continues to grow, good days are heavy on the country, PM’s responsibility is only to friends! Along with this, Rahul also used #PNG #CNGPriceHike in the tweet.

also spoke on cabinet expansion
Earlier, the cabinet expansion of the Modi government was also taunted. After making Mansukh Mandaviya the country’s new health minister in place of Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Rahul wrote through social media, ‘Does this not mean further shortage of vaccine?’

Rahul has been an attacker regarding Corona
Earlier on May 28, Rahul had made a scathing attack on Prime Minister Modi by holding a press conference. Rahul had said that the Prime Minister’s gimmicks are responsible for the second wave of Corona. They could not even understand Corona. The death rate reported in the country is also a lie. The government should speak the truth.

Rahul’s two big allegations on vaccination
1. Government’s Vaccine Strategy Failed

Rahul had said that in any of the 4 ways to deal with Corona – Testing, Tracking, Treatment and Vaccination, the best thing would have been for the government to vaccinate 70-80% of the people. But the government failed to anticipate that-

  • How many people will need the vaccine?
  • How many doses of the vaccine need to be ordered?
  • What will be the capacity of the country to make its own vaccine?
  • How many vaccines will have to be ordered from outside and who will place this order?

2. Failure to order vaccine is unforgivable
Rahul had said that other countries had started placing orders for the purchase of vaccines in May 2020. But the Modi government failed India. He placed the first order of the vaccine in January 2021. According to public information, the Modi government and the state governments have so far ordered only 39 crore doses for a population of 140 crore and 94.50 crore people above 18 years. India has the lowest per capita dose purchase among major countries.

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