Protect your skin from damage during workouts with these expert tips

Be it weightlifting, calisthenics or running, the benefits of doing any exercise are immense and well known. Nowadays, people are striving to achieve their fitness goals and work out for hours in the gym.

As you burn too many calories during exercise, the body uses fat to provide you with energy. This, when combined with a good diet, leads to a toned body that everyone is aiming for. However, during workouts, our body also heats up due to which we start sweating a lot.

Although this sweat has a purpose and helps keep the body cool, there can be some health risks associated with it. So, to ensure that you get all the benefits of working out, but also keep these health problems away, you must adopt certain habits.

Dermatologist Dr Geetika Mittal Gupta recently shared some tips on her Instagram page that can protect your skin from damage as you sweat during workouts.

When you’re spending a significant amount of time working out drenched in sweat, your body acts as a hot spot for bacteria and germs. In particular, when you are in a public gym, you use equipment similar to other equipment which further increases your chances of catching an infection.

In addition, tight gym wear often leads to excessive sweating and oil build-up on the skin which can clog the skin pores. This can lead to acne and other skin infections.

To combat these issues, Dr. Mittal suggests washing your face just before starting the exercise. He further stressed that one should use cold towels to wipe off the excess sweat, oil and dirt from the skin.

One can use a toner, facial mist or elixir throughout the workout, which will protect the skin from damage. Once the workout is done, Dr Mittal highlights that the face should be washed immediately to wash away the dirt and open the skin pores. Also, one can treat the skin with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide which will prevent the formation of acne on the skin.

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