Pegasus espionage case: More than 500 celebrities of the country wrote a letter to the Chief Justice, seeking intervention from the Supreme Court

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  • More than 500 celebrities of the country wrote a letter to the Chief Justice, seeking intervention from the Supreme Court

New Delhi4 hours ago

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These people have also raised questions about the purchase and use of Pegasus spyware by the Israeli company NSO in India.  - Dainik Bhaskar

These people have also raised questions about the purchase and use of Pegasus spyware by the Israeli company NSO in India.

In the Pegasus espionage case, more than 500 personalities and institutions of the country have written a letter to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, NV Ramana, seeking their intervention. These people have also raised questions about the purchase and use of Pegasus spyware by the Israeli company NSO in India.

Through the letter, these personalities and institutions have urged the Supreme Court to intervene and investigate itself. The letter asks who bought this spyware in India? Who paid for it and what was the purpose behind buying it?

The letter also referred to the alleged espionage issue of an apex court official who had leveled sexual harassment allegations against the then Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi. These people expressed surprise at the media reports that spyware was used to monitor industrialists, journalists, politicians, lawyers, human rights activists.

The letters included the names of these celebrities
Those who wrote the letter include activist Aruna Roy, Harsh Mander, Anjali Bhardwaj, lawyer Vrinda Grover, Zuma Sen, Pratiksha Bakshi, educationist and scientist Zoya Hussain, Romila Thapar, writer Arundhati Roy, RJD MP Manoj Jha, journalist Anuradha Bhasin etc. Apart from this, the signatures of retired government officers, retired Armed Forces officers are also there.

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