Paneer has many health benefits, include it in your diet in these forms

Cheese is generally a good source of protein and calcium, while being very low in carbohydrates. So it is a healthy option for people living on a low carbohydrate diet. However, cottage cheese also contains saturated fat and sodium, which the body needs in very limited amounts. Paneer is beneficial in many ways due to its nutritional value. It is known to lower blood pressure, build muscle, reduce diabetes and strengthen bones. Researchers also suggest that 40 grams of cottage cheese should be eaten daily to improve heart health. It also helps in improving immunity and gut health due to probiotics.

How to include cottage cheese in the diet?

The nutritional value of cheese depends on its recipe. A balanced diet should contain a good amount of macro and micro nutrients. There are a few tips you can follow while preparing healthy meals with paneer.

Add cheese to the salad- If you don’t like salad, this is a great way to add cheese to enhance its flavor. Cut the paneer into cubes and mix it with the salad.

Mix paneer with omelet If you are looking for a healthy, protein-rich breakfast option, you can include paneer. Adding cottage cheese to the omelet regularly or in other ways will not only make it rich but also delicious.

Replace red meat with cheese It is very difficult for a non-vegetarian to eliminate any type of meat from their diet. However, you can reduce your intake to keep your heart healthy. Red meat clearly increases the risk of heart attack. Replacing it with cottage cheese will help you get healthy fats and protein without jeopardizing heart health.

Eat paneer with fruits Incorporating fruits and cheese in the right way can be a healthy snack option for you. For example, paneer tastes good with watermelon, mango and apple. You can use this option.

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