‘Pandemic is not over yet’: MHA warns states against gathering at tourist centers

A statement issued by the ministry said that the decline of the second wave is in variable stages in various states and union territories of the country and while the overall case positivity rate may decline, the case positivity in some districts of Maharashtra, Kerala The rate is more than 10 percent in Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh, which is a matter of concern.

The meeting was attended by Dr. VK Paul, Member (Health) of NITI Aayog; Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Director General, Indian Council of Medical Research; and chief secretaries, director generals of police and principal secretaries (health) of eight states.

India crossed 40,000 new infections for the fourth consecutive day on Saturday, July 10, according to data from the Union Health Ministry. 42,766 new coronavirus cases were reported on Saturday, taking the tally to 3,07,95,716 in the country. The death toll rose by 1,206 to 4,07,145.


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