Online Courses That Can Get You Harvard Certification for Free

Every year millions of students aim to get into Harvard University, however now many can take admission in it due to various reasons. Here is a list of free online courses available to all from any corner of the world through which students can get Harvard certification. These courses are in a variety of disciplines, including computer science, social science, data science, humanities, business, health and medicine, mathematics, programming, and. education & Training.

  1. health effects of climate change

It is a seven week long course that will require a commitment of 3-5 hours per week from the students. The course will inspire students to learn about climate change, global nutrition and health. This is a free and online course. Students can apply for the course from the official website of the university.

“This course is not an ode to the planet, but a call to action. Enroll now to find out what you can do to reduce the damage caused by global warming,” course notification issued by the university reads to.

2. Systematic Approach to Policy Design

This is a self-paced course. Courses Students will learn about public policies. This is a free and online course. Students can apply for the course from the official website of the university.

“The goal of this course is to provide a brief overview of three commonly used approaches to analytical decision making,” reads the notification.

3. Using Python for Research

It is a five week long course that will require a commitment of 4-8 hours per week from the students. The course will teach students about computer science and Python. This is a free and online course. Students can apply for the course from the official website of the university.

“This course bridges the gap between introductory and advanced courses in Python,” reads the notification.

4. Calculus Applied

It is a ten week long course that will require a commitment of 3-6 hours per week from the students. In the course students will learn about mathematics and how calculus is applied to problems. This is a free and online course. Students can apply for the course from the official website of the university.

In this course, students will learn how to use tasks ranging from predator-prey models to model data, through a series of case studies, the institute said.

5. Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies

This is a self-paced course but students must be able to commit to 3-6 hours per week from the course. The courses will make students learn about market practices. This is a free and online course. Students can apply for the course from the official website of the university. This Business and Management course, taught by Harvard Business School Professor Tarun Khanna.

6. MicroBachelors® Program in University Chemistry

It is a nine month long course which will require a commitment of 4-8 hours per week from the students. Courses Students will learn about the development of chemistry. This is a free and online course. Students can apply for the course from the official website of the university.

In this course, students will learn the fundamentals of chemistry, energy, and other elemental forces that shape the modern world.

7. Data Science: Linear Regression

This is an eight week long course that will require a commitment of 1-2 hours per week from the students. The course will motivate the students to learn about data science. This is a free and online course. Students can apply for the course from the official website of the university.

“This course, part of our Professional Certificate Program in Data Science, covers how to implement linear regression and adjust for confusing in practice using R,” the university said.

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