Omicron in Bihar: CM Nitish Kumar assures adequate health facilities, oxygen supply

Patna: Bihar government is preparing to deal with the threat omicron The cases of the new COVID variant are increasing in the country as the infection.

Meanwhile, cases of corona virus are increasing in Bihar too. In such a situation, the government is making arrangements for the treatment of the people. Medicines, liquid oxygen and other essential supplies are being reviewed.

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Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar informed about the preparations of the state government after the ‘Janata Darbar’ on Monday.

In response to a question on preparedness in view of the rising corona virus case in Bihar, the Chief Minister said, “We did not think that the situation would escalate so fast. Even today six people have been found corona virus positive here. At the same time, 86 people who attended the IMA program have also been found infected, which is very worrying. We will take some decision on this tomorrow. At the moment everyone needs to be careful.”

The CM said that there is no dearth of health facilities in the state. He assured that there is adequate oxygen supply.

He informed that taking all the factors into consideration, the state government will arrive at the decisions related to the COVID situation on Tuesday.

Bihar Health Department on Monday informed that 344 new COVID19 cases have been registered in the state. Active cases are 1,385, it said.
