Oh yes Santa Claus! Can you believe that Santa is the world’s oldest school-keeping record holder?

Christmas celebration is in the air. As much as the Christmas tree is a favorite, the celebration is incomplete without Santa Claus. But, did you know that there exists a school that trains Santa Claus? and what more? It holds the title of Guinness Book of World Records for longest running Santa School.

Located in Orleans County, Albion, New York, the Charles W. Howard Santa Claus School was founded in October 1937.

In school, Santas learn the skills needed to convey a confident Father Christmas. It also includes:

*how to ride a sleigh

*How to Build Toys in the Workshop

* Learn lyrics to popular Christmas songs and accompanying dances

According to the Records website, lessons on how to dress like Santa also include the time required to get into preparation for the festivities, for example, it should only take 30–35 seconds to apply your Santa makeup.

“I think it’s a really important foundation for anyone who wants to be Santa,” student Michael Beurer told the records site.

“It becomes a Santa family and you can really get away from each other. Together we are better – that is one of the main foundations I think Charles Howard was trying to portray,” he said. said.

The school’s founder, Charles W. Howard, was a farmer and a passionate toy maker. He always wanted to portray Santa so he appeared as Santa at various department stores as well as Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parades.

Due to increasing attendance, the school started in Charles’s home moved to a much larger location in Midland, Michigan, USA.

Graduates of the school are awarded the BSc – Bachelor of Santa Claus at the end of the three-day course, and are also awarded as part of the graduation ceremony. Santa graduate Jason Sanderson said; “You are not only an artist, you are also providing magic for all”.

Now, the school attracts 300 students per year from all over the US, the website states.

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