NYPD soldier charged with vandalizing Jewish summer camp

A New York City off-duty police officer has been arrested after allegedly vandalizing Camp Young Judea the second day of Rosh Hashanah, 8 September.
According to the New York State Police, Matthew McGrath, 37, was arrested on charges of felony and criminal mischief after allegedly smashing windows, destroying the camp director’s residence and extensively damaging property. Press release.

Protesters take part in an anti-Semitic protest outside the Labor Party headquarters in central London, Britain on April 8, 2018.  (Credit: Reuters/Simon Dawson)Protesters take part in an anti-Semitic protest outside the Labor Party headquarters in central London, Britain on April 8, 2018. (Credit: Reuters/Simon Dawson)

According to mid hudson newsOf course, McGrath appears to have a “history” with the camp and his mother lives nearby.

McGrath will have to appear in court this coming October 6, after being released on his own identity.