Numbness To Cramps, 6 Lesser-known Foot-related Diabetes Symptoms – News18

Blood sugar should be kept under control to avoid these health issues.

Blood sugar should be kept under control to avoid these health issues.

Diabetes could cause numerous health issues which include numbness in feet, leg cramping, skin changes and more.

Diabetes is a condition which affects millions all over the world and is one of the most common ailments on the planet. In the condition of diabetes, the patient suffers from fluctuating levels of blood sugar, due to which they face several other health issues in their body. Those issues include effects on kidneys, eye damage, heart-related problems etc. Let us explore some lesser-known symptoms of the disease that are mostly visible in the legs and feet.

Persistent Tingling or Numbness

One of the early symptoms of diabetes is the persistent tingling sensation one feels in their feet, akin to a prick of a needle. It indicates nerve damage in the body because of the disease, and it occurs if the blood sugar levels are found to be high constantly.

Burning Sensation

Also known as diabetic neuropathy, the patient may feel a burning sensation on their feet. According to more information, it causes the most discomfort at night, disrupting sleep, as well as the quality of life.

Slow Healing of Wounds

The high blood sugar levels in the bloodstream could affect circulation, preventing the wounds from healing. According to a health website, this happens because the body is unable to produce insulin and glucose is not converted into energy. These high levels of glucose, hinder the wounds from healing.

Changes in the Skin

The condition of diabetes makes the skin of the patients unhealthy. They might suffer from skin conditions like dryness, cracked skin, blisters, callouses, and changes in toenails. The patient can find relief through using a good moisturizer, which would also keep infections and ulcers at bay.

Cramping in Legs

Leg cramps or pain in your legs is another symptom of the disease. A diabetic might experience an increase in pain at night, affecting their regular activities.

Decreased Sensations

The nerve damage due to the disease causes a lack of sensations in the limbs. A patient is unable to feel any sensation like pain in their legs, which could lead to severe foot infections.