Novak Djokovic’s lawyers say a positive COVID-19 test paves the way for vaccine exemption. Tennis News – Times of India

Melbourne: Novak Djokovik safe A COVID-19 Vaccine exemption Tennis Australia And the Australian government because he tested positive for the virus in December should have qualified him to enter the country, his lawyers argued on Saturday.
“The date of the first positive COVID PCR test recorded was 16 December 2021,” his legal team said in a 32-page presentation ahead of a federal court hearing on Monday to appeal the decision to revoke the Serbian star’s visa. said in.
In another twist to the saga that has resonated around the world, photos shared by the Belgrade Tennis Federation show Djokovic at a youth player event in the city on December 17.
The federation said in a statement that Djokovic has presented cups and awards to the best young players. No one was wearing a mask.
Djokovic also attended another gathering on 16 December, when the Serbian National Postal Service honored him and his sporting achievements by launching a series of achievements.
On Saturday, his lawyers claimed that Australian border agents kept Djokovic at Melbourne airport for eight hours, mostly incommunicado, before canceling his visa and sending him to a detention centre.
After landing in Melbourne on Wednesday night, the 34-year-old – who first tested positive for Covid in June 2020 – had sought time the next morning to rest and consult his legal team.
But after a border official initially agreed, his superiors successfully pressured Djokovic to allow him to make an immediate decision on his visa, lawyers said.
Foreigners are still mostly banned from traveling to Australia, and those admitted must be fully vaccinated or have a medical exemption.
Djokovic also asked for permission on Saturday to leave the Melbourne Detention Centre, where he was taken on Thursday so that he can train before the match. Australian Open,
Although Djokovic has secured legal relief from relegation, it is unclear whether he will be able to play at the January 17-30 Australian Open.
If successful, he will run for the 10th Australian Open crown and a record 21st Grand Slam title – a milestone that Spanish great Rafael Nadal is also chasing.
In an internal video leaked on Saturday, Tennis Australia chief Craig Tilly said his organization did “everything they could”.
In a video published by the Sunday Herald Sun newspaper, he said, “There is a lot of blaming going on, but I can assure you that our team has done an incredible job.”
A second tennis player leading the tournament – Czech doubles specialist Renata Vorakova – had her visa revoked, which was initially allowed in the country, her government has confirmed.
He was also held at the Melbourne center and told Czech media that the facility was “a little bit in prison”.
An Australian government source said on Saturday that Vorakova had pulled out of Australia. AFP photo and video images earlier showed a woman masquerading as Vorakova leaving the center in a vehicle.
Djokovic, a vocal commentary skeptic, has thanked fans around the world for their support on Instagram: “I can feel it and it is greatly appreciated.”
More than 100 supporters and anti-vaccine protesters beat drums and chanted “Novak” outside the Melbourne Immigration Holding Facility on Saturday.
In another part of the city, hundreds of people took part in an anti-vaccine rally supporting Djokovic.
“I don’t want to see my grandchildren get vaccinated,” said Margaret Beacham, 67, a former primary school teacher.
“Novak is making a stand and this is a worldwide opportunity for him to say something about the state of vaccination and how ridiculous it is.”
As restrictions tightened across much of the country to fight an Omicron-fueled wave, the state of Victoria, where Melbourne is the capital, posted a daily record of 51,356 cases on Saturday.
Djokovic, formerly the Park Hotel and the center officially known as an “alternative place of detention”, houses some 32 migrants trapped in Australia’s hardline immigration system – some for years.
No one is allowed in or out except the staff.
The five-story center gained notoriety last year when a fire forced the evacuation of migrants, and insects were reportedly found in the food.
Djokovic’s family has described the hotel as ‘dirty’.
Djokovic’s detention has sparked an international investigation, with the Serbian government demanding an explanation.
“Djokovic is not a criminal, terrorist or illegal migrant, but the treatment by the Australian authorities is understandable to the outrage from his fans and citizens of Serbia,” the foreign ministry said.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has defended the cancellation of Djokovic’s visa.
“Rules are rules,” he said.
Judge Anthony Kelly warned Starr’s lawyers at a hearing on Thursday that justice would proceed at its own pace through all necessary appeals.
“The tail won’t wag the dog here,” he said.
