Not for IIT or government job: GATE 2022 topper Ram Balaji says he took the exam for experience

Despite clearing GATE 2022 and securing All India Rank 1, Ram Balaji S from Chennai will neither take admission in any IIT nor will he apply for PSU jobs. Rama appeared for the first time door In 2021 when he was still in college. Without much preparation, he secured the All India Rank of 139. This prompted him to aim for AIR 1 and he decided to give it a go again.

“I got the rank without completing the entire syllabus. I had given this exam during my degree studies. This made me believe that I can do much better if I sit for the exam with full preparation.” Now, in her second attempt, she scored 78 marks out of 100 and AIR 1.

Despite topping the exam, the 22-year-old will join a job aimed at gaining industry experience through campus placement at Texas Instrument.

Though he had a job, Ram appeared in a competitive exam to relive his JEE days. Hailing from a rural part of Chennai, Ram cracked JEE Main and Advanced in his first attempt with just four months of preparation. However, he did not know at the time of his feat.

Now a BTech student of Engineering Physics from IIT Madras, Ram did not know about JEE Main or IIT during his schooling. When they found out, the exam was just four months away. This too inspired him to prove himself in a competitive exam and give his best shot to GATE and relive the moments.

“I come from a rural background. I didn’t know about IITs or NITs until I almost completed my 12th standard. I had prepared for my JEE only four months before the exam, that too with the help of crash courses,” Ram recalled.

He was a meritorious student during his schooling and got counseling for IITs from his teachers as well as additional material and help in cracking the entrance exam.

He not only cleared the exam but also secured a seat in the best ranked college in the entire country. However, at the time of joining, he was guided by teachers and friends and was not aware of how big a job it was. He took GATE to re-live the experience to the fullest.

Now a GATE topper, Ram not only completed the syllabus for his second attempt but also focused on mock tests and subject tests. After completing the syllabus, he took syllabus-wise tests, and then after revising the syllabus and brushing up on the weak points, he took full-length mock tests.

During Test, they focused on avoiding negative marks and tried what they knew. Ram relied on the Internet for exam resources. He studied at NPTEL – where IIT faculty gives lectures on topics for GATE. He also mentioned the online videos available on YouTube and BYJU’s exam preparation series.

Ram has got a good package of Rs 25 lakh annually. He said that the day he got the appointment was one of the happiest moments for him and his entire family. His parents cried when they heard about his job placement while in college. Ram’s father runs a stationery shop and his mother is a housewife.

Giving advice to his comrades, Ram said, “Many people remember and use a sutra in the gate. However, it is not a test of memory but the ability to think and apply. It is always better to understand the concepts first. One can learn one subject and solve questions from different resources under the particular subject.”

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