New executive of Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh Agra constituted, Ashok Sharma as President, Pushpendra as District Minister – Rail Hunt

  • Banshi Badan Jha (Railways) was given the responsibility of Publicity Minister

Agra : District convention of Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh Agra region was organized on 26 June 2022 at Saraswati Shishu Subhash Park Barber’s Mandi. Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh Agra district president Narayan Singh Yadav presided over the convention. After worshiping Lord Vishwakarma and Mother India and paying homage to the revered Dantopant Thengdi, the flag of the Sangh was hoisted. While presiding the outgoing district president Narayan Singh Yadav gave information about the works done so far. Shankar Lal, present in the meeting as a keynote speaker, discussed in detail the purpose, need for the establishment of the Bharatiya Mazdoor Union and the role of BMS on the invasion of India by China in 1962 and the character and faces of the Indian labor organizations inspired by political parties. highlighted prominently.

After the presidential speech, the district president announced the dissolution of the executive committee and the election of a new executive committee was conducted under the leadership of election officer Bhupendra Singh Rana. Bhupendra Singh announced the new executive. Devesh Vajpayee, DC Sharma, Puroshtam Lal Khandelwal, MLA Agra Camp Dr GS Dharmesh, besides Shripal Katihai and Shankar Lal were present on this occasion.

new district executive

  • Ashok Kumar Sharma (Transport) President
  • KPS Verma (Hotel Taj) Vice President
  • Nilesh Sharma (Bank)
  • Pratap Singh (MES)
  • Mukesh Singh Chahar, District Minister
  • Pushpendra Singh Lodhi (Railways) cum District Minister
  • Brij Mohan Baghel (BSNL)
  • Rakesh Sharma, (University)
  • Banshi Badan Jha, (Railway) Publicity Minister
  • Dharampal Sharma, (Defence Department) Office Minister
  • Santosh Kumar Chauhan, Treasurer
  • Rajaram Rajput, executive member and in-charge of building construction
  • Rahul Sharma executive member and in-charge defense sector
  • Alok Tiwari, executive member and in-charge Rehri Pattri
  • Sukhpal Singh, executive member and in-charge education department
  • Narayan Singh Yadav, Executive Member and Senior Civil Defense Confederation
  • Ghanshyam Tyagi, Executive Member and Agriculture Incharge

The outgoing district minister KB Singh conducted the stage in the program. Publicity Minister Vanshibadan Jha issued a statement and said that the President and Minister (Secretary) of all unions affiliated to the Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh Agra region will be members of the executive. The first meeting of the new executive committee of the Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, Agra Region, Agra, will be held on July 10, 2022, at the Uttar Pradesh Roadways Mazdoor Sangh Office, Idgah Bus Depot.

Press release