Never Have I Ever: Ben vs Paxton, Who’s the Right Partner for Goddess?

This article contains spoilers for the Netflix series Never Have I Ever Season 2.

The second season of the popular Netflix show Never Have I Ever premiered on July 15 and has since been trending at number one in several countries. The show is based on the life of Indian-American teenager Devi Vishwakumar, who celebrates her crush on classmate Paxton Hall-Yoshida. However, in season one, we saw her kissing Ben Gross, her nerdy curse turned friend.

In season two, the main focus was on the love triangle between Devi, Ben and Paxton. Even when the goddess Ben kissed, we saw Paxton realize his feelings for the goddess. For this, Devi’s solution was to date both of them at the same time. However, that plan was quickly reversed, with varying results. While Paxton and Devi sorted out their issues, Ben dated the new Indian girl, Anissa.

In the end, we saw Paxton dance for Goddess at school, and they became a couple in public. Ben, on the other hand, found out through his best friend that the goddess was really longing for him for the entire season.

While Devi ended up with Paxton this season, was he the right choice for her? Let’s take a look at five reasons why Paxton is right for the goddess and five reasons we should all be Team Ben.

Team Paxton:

Paxton Devi. appears for

One of the biggest problems Paxton faced was that he was embarrassed to publicly admit her as his girlfriend after cheating on Devi. However, she worked through those issues and showed up for her at dances in front of the entire school, as her feelings outweighed her embarrassment.

Paxton works on himself

In season two, we saw the human side of Paxton. A big argument from Team Ben is how he is a smart match for Devi, whereas Paxton is generally not great academically. However, in Season 2 we see Paxton work hard to be a good student, and in the process, find a valuable piece of his history.

paxton is a good boy

Despite his tough exterior, Paxton has a big heart and conscience. She is wonderful to her sister Rebecca, who constantly supports her fashion designing dreams. He also has a strong bond with his grandfather and brings him to school to talk about discrimination against Japanese Americans during World War II.

Paxton has no grudges against Devi

Unlike Ben, who moves in with Anissa because of his anger towards Devi, Paxton doesn’t spend an entire season taking action against Devi. For a while he tries to get Devi to do her homework and does not defend her in front of his friends. But their conscience quickly weighs in and they soon regain their friendship.

Devi and Paxton have a strong affinity for each other

Paxton, who models the high-school jock trope, goes to great lengths to maintain his image, but corrects his error because he has feelings for her. Devi has always been attracted to Paxton. Therefore, they operate at the level of a typical high school couple.

Team Ben:

To be honest, Season 2 Ben wasn’t as cute as Season 1 was. There were no big gestures like letting the goddess stay in her house or taking her to Malibu like last time. However, we think that Ben is the true spirit of the goddess. And here’s why.

Goddess has deep feelings for Ben

The way Devi acts when Anissa starts flirting with Ben shows that she has deep feelings for Ben. She becomes overly jealous, starts a rumor and then spends a lot of energy with Anissa to get back in Ben’s good books. Ben also has feelings for Devi that sometimes come to the fore, even when he is in a happy relationship.

goddess chose beno

While Devi was making her pro-con list, she chose Ben. However, because Paxton was looking better, her friends talked to her. Deep down, Devi knew that Ben was better for her. Also, in the end, Devi didn’t choose Paxton, but she happened to reveal her feelings for him. Ben closed the door for her when he started dating Anissa.

Ben was ready to commit

Unlike Paxton, who was commitment-afraid, Ben was ready to become Devi’s boyfriend, no questions asked. He worked through his feelings in one day, breaking up with his girlfriend Sheera and even analyzing how he would see her when she moved to India. In other words, it’s all inside.

Ben consoles Devi when Paxton rejects her.

Even though Paxton may have seen Devi’s ‘offer’ decline, he still felt really bad for her. He went to the ladies room to console the crying goddess in the toilet. He was there for her as a friend when she needed him most and also told her the truth: Paxton didn’t deserve her.

ben and goddess are soul mates

The events of season one reveal that Ben and Devi are indeed perfect for each other. They have the same competitive spirit, the same awkwardness and insecurities. They are friends first, which is important for a deep relationship. Ben’s reaction to Devi after discovering double timing shows just how much the relationship meant to him, unlike Paxton, who found it easier to let go.

Produced by Mindy Kaling and Lang Fischer, Never Have I Ever stars Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, Jaren Levison, Darren Barnett, Poorna Jagannathan and Richa Moorjani in lead roles.

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