Neck pain due to increased screen time? Try these 2 easy exercises to get relief from pain

The use of mobile phones has increased significantly in the last one and a half years. People are glued to their mobile phones for a long time, which puts pressure on the front and back of the neck. Soon, people experience stiffness in their neck which eventually leads to neck and upper back pain.

If the pain persists for days, this disc bulge can increase the risk of spondylitis and other pain related to the upper back, shoulders and neck. Lifestyle coach Luke Coutinho shares two simple exercises to relieve such pain and strengthen the neck muscles.

In a video posted on Facebook, Luke explained that when people keep their necks in a down position for hours, they can experience swelling. Luke says the neck isn’t naturally built to be in a down position. People can move the neck up, down and sideways. But if you keep it in the same position for a long time, it can lead to cramps, stiffness, low blood pressure, muscle cramps, etc.

The Lifestyle Coach demonstrates 2 simple exercises to further strengthen the neck. However, he cautioned people suffering from severe spondylitis to consult a doctor before doing any exercise.

Watch the video:

exercise 1:

Place your left hand on your right shoulder. Make sure that when you do this stretch, your left shoulder doesn’t come up. Move your head towards the right shoulder. Stay in this position for some time. After this, move your ears towards the right shoulder. (Here also make sure that the right shoulder does not go up too).

Hold it for a few seconds. Now repeat the same exercise on the other side as well. Don’t push yourself too hard as it can sprain your neck. Do this gently once or twice.

Exercise 2:

Clap your hands behind your neck and tilt your chin up slightly. Try driving your elbows backward and you will feel a stretch in your biceps, shoulders, upper back and chest. Hold your boy in this position for about 10 and then relax. Do it slowly as you can injure yourself while doing it at high speed.

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