National Nutrition Week 2021: Healthy eating habits you must follow during COVID-19

Ever since the coronavirus pandemic broke out, everyone around the world has become more cautious about their health and lifestyle habits. One of the most important elements of a healthy routine includes consuming adequate nutrition which mainly comes from the food that we eat throughout the day. In these tough times of COVID-19, it is only our body’s immunity that will protect us and help in the process of recovery. To build a strong immune system, a balanced diet and exercise are important.

On the occasion of National Nutrition Week 2021, which falls from September 1 to 7, here is a quick look at the eating habits that you must follow especially during the COVID-19 crisis:

eat fresh fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are the most important sources of vitamins and minerals, along with other healthy ingredients. Make sure you are adding plenty of green vegetables to supplement your iron intake. Fresh fruits and vegetables also contain a good amount of fiber which will help maintain and strengthen your digestive system.

include protein rich food

Items like lentils, fish and milk are good sources of protein. Protein helps in strengthening bones and also plays an important role in strengthening muscles. Apart from this, adding protein to the daily diet also reduces cravings which often leads to the consumption of junk food.

Eat nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds contain healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, proteins and minerals. They also contain unsaturated fats and other nutrients that help prevent heart diseases.

stay hydrated

Drinking water is one of the most important parts of a healthy lifestyle. It is water that transports nutrients and compounds in the blood and also regulates body temperature. If you are not able to drink enough water, you can squeeze some citrus fruits like lemons and oranges. This will not only add to the taste, but will also add to the nutritional value.

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