National Mountaineering Day 2021: Why mountaineering is a challenging yet adventurous activity at least once in a lifetime

Mountain Climbing Day 2021 is celebrated on 1 August (Image: Shutterstock)

Mountain Climbing Day 2021 is celebrated on 1 August (Image: Shutterstock)

National Mountaineering Day 2021: Considered to be exciting, adventurous and challenging at the same time, there is something alluring about mountains.

  • trending desk New Delhi
  • Last Update:Aug 01, 2021, 11:20 am IS
  • What should I follow:

Mountain climbing is something that most people keep on their bucket list. Considered to be exciting, adventurous and challenging all at the same time, there is something fascinating about mountains. There are those who feel that the mountains can be their true calling and aim to conquer and realize the experience of the highest peaks.

There is no doubt that one needs a lot of courage and stamina to complete this challenging task. It can be a life-threatening experience and brings its fair share of challenges. One may face trouble in breathing because the higher one goes, the less air becomes scarce. There is always the possibility of falling or slipping. The cold weather can make it worse.

However one puts it, one must do the activity at least once in a lifetime and any person who has experienced it once in his life can testify to it. Earlier, people used to have a tough time completing it, but mountaineering has come a long way. Modern technology and equipment has made this easier and there is relatively less danger. It is an adventure sport that gives experienced never before adrenaline rush. It is also considered therapeutic by many as climbing the peaks helps one to refresh and seek relaxation. It is a campaign that has the potential to bring one closer to nature and connect with it.

In addition, mountain climbing is an activity that teaches a lot about facing challenges and overcoming fear. Above all, it has thrill and adventure which can rarely be achieved by doing any other adventurous activity. Sometimes, the climber may suffer from numb toes and fingers and frostbite. This activity also requires being mentally strong to use a map correctly and measure steep cliffs.

ground level

Mountaineering can present many mental and physical challenges to a person. But it is an adventurous experience and gives life changing lessons. It becomes clear to those who measure the slopes that great heights are not an easy task. It can scare the toughest people but the experience always makes it worthwhile.

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