National Handshake Day 2023: From Knuckle Bump to Two Pump, 7 types of handshakes and their meanings

national handshake day 2023
Image source: FREEPIK National Handshake Day 2023: From Knuckle Bump to Two Pump, 7 Types of Handshakes and Their Meaning

National Handshake Day is observed every year to promote the importance of shaking hands as a nice gesture when meeting someone. Every year this day is celebrated on the last Thursday of June. This year, it will be celebrated on 29th June. In 2005, this special day was founded by development coach Miriam Rodi. So today, 2023 is National Handshake Day and what better way to celebrate than by knowing about the different types of handshakes and their meanings. Shaking hands is an ancient form of greeting and has been used for centuries in cultures around the world.

In modern times, the handshake is used for the first time to make a good impression, show respect, and even seal deals in business. It is an important act of communication which is essential for establishing rapport.

There are many different types of handshakes, each with its own unique meaning and purpose. Here’s a look at some of the more popular ones:

firm handshake: It is one of the most common forms of handshake. It is a symbol of confidence and respect. This involves taking a firm hold of the other person’s hand and shaking it up and down a few times.

Handshake with palms up: This handshake is seen as a sign of trust, openness and vulnerability. Instead of holding the hand firmly, hold the palm of the other person gently with your palm. As you tremble, you look into his eyes for a moment before letting go of his hand.

Single Pump Handshake: This type of handshake is commonly used as a greeting between two people who know each other well or as a sign of respect between two people who have yet to meet each other. Don’t know who. This involves firmly holding the other person’s hand and giving it a pump or shake.

knuckle bulge: The knuckle bump is a popular way of greeting young people today, especially those involved in sports or who frequent nightclubs. This involves bumping your knuckles against the person in front of you and then smiling or nodding.

Two Pump Handshake: This type of handshake is considered more casual than a single pump handshake, but still implies respect. This usually involves two pumps or shakes up and down with a firm grip on the other person’s hand.

Finger Lock Handshake: It is a type of handshake that requires trust and connection between the two people involved. This involves intertwining your fingers with the other person’s fingers for a few seconds while maintaining eye contact.

high five: The high-five is usually seen as a celebration between two people who know each other well or are celebrating an achievement together. This involves patting each other’s palms together while making eye contact and smiling.

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