Musk: Elon Musk’s ‘open’ challenge to UN on solving world hunger problem – Times of India

executive director for united nations world food program, David Beasley, claimed in a recent interview on CNN that “2 percent Elon Musk‘Money’ will be enough to solve the problem of world hunger. According to Bloomberg, musk He is the richest person in the world with an estimated net worth of $289 billion. So, 2% of his wealth is about $6 billion.
“The $6 billion will help 42 million people who are really going to die if we don’t reach them. It’s not complicated,” Beasley was quoted as saying in a CNN report.

In response, Musk said he would pay 2% of his wealth only if the UN World Food Program could explain how the $6 billion would solve the issue and only need to publicly tell the UN how his money will be spent.
“If WFP can describe on this Twitter thread how $6B will solve world hunger, I’ll sell Tesla stock right now and do it,” Musk tweeted.
“But it has to be open source accounting so the public can see exactly how the money is spent,” Musk said in another tweet.
Beasley was quick to respond, saying, “We never said $6B would solve world hunger. This is a one-time donation to save 42 million lives during this unprecedented hunger crisis.” Adding further, he said, “The $8.4B you mention is what we need to reach 115 million people with food aid in 2020. We need more than $6B on top of our current funding requirements because of the perfect storm from the overall impact of Covid, conflict and climate shocks. ”
Challenging the United Nations, Musk replied, “Please publish your current and proposed spending in detail so that people can see where the money goes. Sunlight is a wonderful thing.”
