Mumbai University will conduct online exam for traditional courses. Mumbai News – Times of India

Mumbai: Mumbai University Will conduct the end semester VI examination for all conventional and self-financed undergraduate courses in online mode. These courses have the highest enrollment in the university. However, students will have to take the practical exam offline.
The exam for all professional courses like Engineering, Law, Management and B.Ed will be offline as decided earlier.
While many students heaved a sigh of relief, some principals have questioned the decision.
The exams are going to start from April 19.
A statement issued by Vinod Patil, director of the Board of Examinations and Evaluation, said a large number of students are enrolled in traditional programs and many are dependent on the final results for higher studies and jobs. Patil said, “Keeping in view the timely declaration of results and immunization status of students, ST buses strike in rural districts and less students in hostels, the university has decided to conduct the examination in online mode.”
He said that the practical examinations of these students will be offline.
While the university has released the preliminary dates for all the exams, a detailed schedule will be released soon. Colleges will follow a similar schedule and question banks will also be given by the university.
This year the winter exams to be held in October-November will be conducted offline, so that students and colleges get enough time to prepare. The final postgraduate examination in conventional courses will be conducted offline with 50% descriptive and 50% multiple choice questions. The examinations in the departments of the university will also be conducted in offline mode.
A teacher from a city college said that if a section of outside students have to travel to Mumbai for their practical exams, they can write the exam in offline mode as well. “If HSC exams are being held in offline mode, why can’t university exams be offline?” Asked the teacher, adding the fear of delaying the result might motivate them to make such a decision.
Board of Studies of Accountancy Chairman Arvind Luhar said that the university has taken a wise decision as in the present circumstances the results of offline examinations would have been delayed indefinitely. But they should allow colleges to conclude all undergraduate exams by the end of April, he said. A teacher said paper evaluation would be a challenge for unaided colleges sacking teachers in the pandemic.
Meanwhile, some autonomous colleges have decided to conduct all the exams offline.