Mosquitos with West Nile virus found near Yeruham after heavy rains

Mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus were found near the southern city of Yeruham and the surrounding Ramat Negev regional council, government officials said Wednesday, marking the first time the disease has been detected in Israel this year.

The Ministry of Environmental Protection said infected mosquitoes were found in Nahal Revivim, near Lake Yeruham, and outside nearby educational complexes in Nitzana and Midreshet Ben Gurion.

It instructed local authorities to keep a close watch on mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus and to “take immediate preventive measures and pest control” if needed, according to a joint statement with the health ministry.

People infected with West Nile virus usually experience flu-like symptoms and recover within a week, but in some cases the disease is fatal. According to the Ministry of Health, this year one person has died due to this virus.

In August 2022, the Ministry of Health informed of In July, one person had died and another was in critical condition from the virus after West Nile was found in mosquitoes near Eilat.

The Ministry of Environmental Protection attributed the first detection this year to recent rains in the south, followed by high temperatures, as mosquitoes thrive in heat and water.

The ministry also called on Israelis to take measures to avoid mosquito bites, such as using repellants and nets, reducing the amount of water used for irrigation, and ensuring that no objects or areas around the home are filled with stagnant water. Do not be

In 2020, mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus spread to as in the Tel Aviv area, and in 2018, dozens were hospitalized biggest outbreak In recent years.

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