Morning News Brief: Security forces attack Indian students in Ukraine, Russian soldiers robbing banks and stores leaving war

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  • Dainik Bhaskar News Headlines; Russia Ukraine War, Vladimir Putin, Indian Students Evacuation

8 hours agoAuthor: Ajit Panwar, News Brief Editor

Putin put the nuclear unit on high alert for the biggest attack on Ukraine and Indian students without visa entry in Poland, read the big news of the country and the world in just 5 minutes in Morning News Brief…

First of all, today’s major events, which will be seen

  1. In Manipur, voting will be held in 38 seats in the first phase of the assembly elections, voting will start from 7 am.
  2. Dera chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Sunaria will return to jail after the 21-day furlough is over.
  3. Pakistan’s opposition parties will start a long march against the Imran government from Karachi.

5 big news that will keep you updated

1. Threat of nuclear attack on Ukraine, Putin puts unit on high alert

The threat of a nuclear attack is increasing in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Russian President Putin has put a nuclear-armed unit on high alert. Meanwhile, Ukraine says it has so far killed 4,300 Russian soldiers and destroyed 146 tanks, 27 aircraft and 26 helicopters. At the same time, Britain has spoken of helping those who want to go to Ukraine and take part in the war against Russia.
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2. Russian soldiers left the war and started looting, people crave for food and drink
It’s been 4 days since the war between Russia and Ukraine. Russian soldiers entering the cities of Ukraine are looting. They robbed a bank after capturing Kharkiv. In a video, he is seen picking up goods from a departmental store. At the same time, common people are craving for food. According to the UN, 3.86 lakh people have left Ukraine and taken refuge in other countries so far.
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3. Indian students leaving Ukraine were vandalized on the border, beaten up by the police
Indian students who reached Romania and Poland border to leave Ukraine were badly beaten up. A student from Punjab has shared its video. In this, the Ukrainian police is seen kicking and punching Indian students carrying bags. The student of Chhattisgarh has told that there has also been a fight on the Poland border. Indian Foreign Ministry engaged with Ukraine for students Control rooms in 4 countries have opened.
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4. India beat Sri Lanka, equals world record for 12 consecutive wins

In the third T20 match played in Dharamsala, India defeated Sri Lanka by 6 wickets. Team had to score 147 runs to win. Shreyas Iyer scored the highest 69 runs. Shreyas has scored fifty in all three matches of the series. With this win, India equaled the world record of 12 consecutive wins. Indian captain Rohit Sharma also became the player to play the most 125 T20 matches.
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5. 55% voting in UP, Modi said in Banaras – good luck if I lose my life here
In the 5th phase of assembly elections in UP Voting on 61 seats Hui. Till 7 pm, 55% votes were cast here. PM Modi reached Banaras amidst voting. He said that my death was wished in Kashi. If I go away while serving the devotees of Baba Vishwanath, what greater happiness will there be? On Modi’s visit, Akhilesh Yadav had said that he stays in Banaras at the last moment.
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Some important news in the headline…

  1. Pakistan opened its airspace for the return of Indians from Ukraine, the plane came from Romania (read full news)
  2. International Judo Federation removes Putin from the post of President, Poland-Sweden will not play football with Russia (read full news)
  3. Putin ready to sacrifice 50 thousand soldiers in Ukraine, preparing to impose medical emergency in Russia (read full news)

News but something different…
Why Russia occupied Chernobyl, where the devastating nuclear accident happened

The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant witnessed the world’s worst nuclear disaster in 1986. This accident had become the reason for the exodus of lakhs of people from the two cities. It is still not known how many people died. The Russian army has captured this plant, which has been closed for many years. After all, what interests Russia in this plant, read Bhaskar Explainer…

From a cartoonist’s point of view…

Most read news…

The photo which is news in itself…

Russia’s attack on Ukraine is being opposed in many countries. The biggest demonstration took place in Berlin, Germany. Thousands of people took to the streets here in the Anti-War Protest. 460 people have been detained in Russia’s capital Moscow, Saint Petersburg and other cities. People put up anti-Putin posters on the wall of the Russian Embassy in London.

what happened today in history
On this day in 1928, the great scientist of the country CV Raman discovered the Raman Effect. In honor of this discovery, 28 February is celebrated as National Science Day. CV Raman received the Nobel Prize for Science in 1930 for this invention. Raman Effect is still being used in many places. India’s Chandrayaan-1 had detected water on the moon, so the Raman effect was amazing behind it too. (Read today’s other events…)

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