More than 10 thousand cases in the state, but positivity down to 13.7%. Bhubaneswar News – Times of India

Bhubaneswar: Daily since last seven days covid Cases in the state are hovering above 10,000, a sign experts are comforted but in no hurry to call it a plateau, yet given that Orissa Listed among the top 10 high burden states of the country with 88,346 active positive cases. On Thursday, the state reported 10,368 fresh cases, including 1090 in the below 18 years age group, while the test positivity rate fell to 13.7% from 16.7% on Wednesday.
Maharashtra Tops the list of states with high caseloads Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat. Experts said it would be too early to breathe easily and it would take another four to five days for the cases to reach the peak.
‘estimated 15k cases’
Dr. Bijay Mohapatra, Director of Health Services, said, “It has been observed that since January 12, the state is reporting more than 10,000 daily cases. We expect this to continue for a few more days. We had estimated that the daily The cases will touch 15,000 and then start falling. We will wait for a few days before saying whether it has reached a plateau or not.” Some said the number of daily cases has not increased in the past few days because many people are not getting tested, even if they have a cold.
