Millet Mania: This Ragi Recipe Is The Best Way To Include Super Grains In Your Diet

Ragi Recipe: Millet, also known as millet, is a class of small-seeded grass that has been cultivated in many different regions of the world for more than a thousand years. They are used extensively in many traditional cuisines and are sustainable, gluten-free, nutrient-rich and an alternative to rice and wheat.

From bread and porridge to cakes and sweets, there are countless ways to incorporate millet into your diet. Millet will give a unique touch to your food, whether you are a health conscious cook or are looking for a new ingredient to spice up your dishes.

A great alternative to unhealthy snacking options is a healthy Ragi Energy Bar/Ball which are packed with nutrients that will energize you. A healthy ragi bar is packed with the benefits of ragi and makes for a delicious breakfast or evening snack. They are also high in calcium and iron. The ingredients of this innovative recipe are all nutritious and at the same time impart an invigorating taste. This bar can help youngsters who feel hungry in the middle of the day.

It’s time for the modest ragi to take center stage, so go ahead for the rice and wheat! These tiny grains may have historically been eclipsed by their more well-known relatives, but they are currently gaining popularity in the cooking and nutritional industries.

So we bring to you a healthy and delicious energy snack recipe by Mrs. Shilpa Kumar, in house organic recipe curator at Akshaykalp Organic that can satisfy your hunger pangs and is delicious.

Let’s make this simple yet highly nutritious energy ball at home and make healthy eating a wise resolution. Enjoy the goodness of nature’s gift with organic honey and ghee and snack on it when you are on the go and have very limited time for your meals!


1- 2 tbsp organic ghee

2- 2 tbsp organic honey

3- 50 grams of each variety of edible seeds (pumpkin, melon, flax, sunflower, cucumber, watermelon, niger seed, poppy, sesame (black or white) – well roasted)

4- Soft dates – 150 grams – Wash and grind it well to make a fine paste.

5- Dry ginger powder – 1/2 tsp


1. Dry roast all the seeds till a nice aroma comes out and let them cool completely.

2. Finely grind the dates

3. Coarsely grind all the seeds without adding water

4. Mix well all the seed powder, dates and honey with hot ghee till the dough is smooth enough to form a ball without being too sticky to the fingers.

5. Knead well. Make lemon sized balls or bars with greased palms and allow them to cool. Serve as Energy Ball/Bar to your friends and family.