Microsoft: Microsoft is ‘sorry’ for angering developers by removing a key feature – Times of India

Microsoft Apologizes to the open source community after facing strong backlash against the removal of an important feature in the upcoming .NET 6 Release. NS .NET Open Source Community Was angered by Microsoft’s decision to remove hot reload Capability from the .NET SDK repo. This feature is important as it helps developers to make changes to the course code while a particular app is running and see the results of the changes immediately.
Microsoft has now announced that it has “approved the pull request” to re-enable this code path and that it will be available in the General Availability build of the .NET 6 SDK.
Microsoft previously decided to lock out the ‘hot reload capability’ in Visual Studio 2022—which is limited to Windows and is paid. According to a report in The Verge, the decision to remove the feature was a “business-focused move” taken by the head of Microsoft’s developer division. Julia Lewson.
After reversing the decision to remove the hot reload capability, Microsoft said, “First and foremost, we apologize. We made a mistake in executing our decision and took longer than expected for the community to respond.”
In its defense, Microsoft said in an official blog post, “With the .NET 6 release and the runway for Visual Studio 2022 getting shorter, we chose to focus on bringing Hot Reload to VS2022 first. We planned this the way we did.” was executed, made a mistake in executing it.”
“We inadvertently removed the source code instead of not implementing that code path. We underestimated the number of developers relying on this capability,” it added.
As The Verge reports, the ‘hot reload capability’ will be in the general availability build of the .NET 6 SDK, available on November 8, 2021.
