Maruti Suzuki India (MSI), the country’s largest carmaker with over 40 per cent market share, has issued a recall of over 87,599 vehicles. The affected vehicles include cars such as the Maruti Suzuki S-Presso and Maruti Suzuki Eeco manufactured between July 5, 2021 and February 15, 2023, the auto major said in a statement. Units were recalled to check and replace the faulty steering tie rod. The company said that this recall is one of the biggest by the company in recent times and will be effective from 06:30 PM of July 24, 2023.
It added, “It is suspected that there is a possible defect in a part of the steering tie rod used in such vehicles, which in a rare case could break and affect the drivability and handling of the vehicle.” Maruti Suzuki said that affected vehicle owners will receive free of cost information from a company-authorized dealer workshop for inspection and replacement of the defective part.
In September 2021, MSI had recalled 1,81,754 units of petrol trims of various models including Ciaz, Vitara Brezza and XL6 to replace the faulty motor generator unit. In July 2020, the automaker recalled 1,34,885 units of the WagonR and Baleno models to inspect and replace faulty fuel pumps.
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Similarly, in December 2019, the company had announced that it was recalling 63,493 units of the petrol smart hybrid (SHVS) variants of the Ciaz, Ertiga and XL6 models to fix a faulty motor generator unit (MGU).
The Maruti Suzuki S-Presso is the entry-level 1.0-litre hatchback from the automaker, while the Eeco is the cheapest MPV in India and is used for various commercial activities.