Lunch Remedies for Diabetes: 5 Easy, Tasty and Healthy Meals to Keep Sugar Under Control

Blood sugar control with meals: People with diabetes have to take great care of their diet. A little carelessness in eating and drinking can increase your sugar level. In such a situation, to keep the sugar level under control, you should include these things in your diet.

It is very important to adopt a healthy lifestyle when you have diabetes. You cannot eat anything without thinking. You need to change the way you eat, only then you can eat anything. First of all, you should plan your diet. You should include fruits, green vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and proteins in your diet. This will also keep you healthy and your blood sugar will also be under control.

1. Green leafy vegetables- Sugar patients must include green leafy vegetables in their lunch. In lunch, you can eat vegetables like spinach, fenugreek, bathua, broccoli, gourd, luffa, bitter gourd. They contain fewer calories and more nutrients. Green vegetables have antioxidant properties that control blood sugar levels. Green vegetables are also very beneficial for the heart and eyes. Green vegetables contain vitamin C which is also beneficial for type 2 patients. At the same time, blood pressure is controlled and immunity is strengthened.

2. Whole grains and pulses- You will also need to change your cereal if you have diabetes. Include more pulses in your lunch. Pulses provide the body with plenty of protein, potassium, fiber and other essential nutrients. Instead of whole wheat bread, include whole grain bread, bran or multigrain bread, brown rice, barley and quinoa. It provides healthy carbohydrates, fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals.

3. Egg- If you want to be healthy, then include eggs in the diet. You get many benefits by eating one egg daily. Eggs are rich in protein and all the amino acids that keep you healthy. Eating eggs increases good cholesterol in the body, reduces inflammation and keeps blood sugar under control. Eating eggs daily also reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.

4. Curd- If there is curd in the lunch then the fun is doubled. Sugar patients too. You can have curd in food. Yogurt contains a good amount of calcium, protein and nutrients. The CLA found in yogurt increases healthy blood sugar in the body. CLA is a fat that works to reduce weight and increase immunity.

5. Fatty fish- If you eat non-veg, then definitely include fatty fish in lunch. You can also eat sardines, herring, salmon fish. Fish is very beneficial in diabetes. Fish contains good amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA. Eating fish reduces inflammation and keeps the heart healthy. Therefore, include fish in the diet.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods and claims stated in this article. These points should be considered as suggestions only. Please consult a doctor before following the above mentioned treatments, medicines or diet.

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