‘Look East, Also West’: Hillary Invokes China, Quad; Nudges India To Take Anti-Russia Stand

Former US secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton on Thursday invoked China to nudge India into joining the US and its allies in denouncing Russia for its so-called ‘military operation’ in Ukraine. She said the Russian war on Ukraine allowed the US and its western allies to establish norms which democracies must follow to set an example for autocratic states.

Hillary, speaking at the Times Network India Economic Conclave, said in an event when China sends ‘one of its huge armies to India’, it would want the world to be similarly outraged towards that kind of a transition of a rules-based international order .

Hillary speaking at the Times Network event said that the US holds India in high regard. “Efforts to stop Russia’s aggression, and also Chinese aggression, are in everybody’s interest,” Hillary said. She further added that the Biden administration will continue to seek a deeper “alliance” with India. She also said that she

However, this indicates that the US political establishment still remains unhappy about India’s official stance towards the situation in Ukraine. It is also unready to consider that India on several forums as well on two occasions urged Russian president Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to speak directly to achieve immediate cessation of hostilities on all sides. India also condemned the killing of civilians in Bucha.

Hillary also chose to tread into discussions regarding Russian oil imports. She said that the US understands that India, like any other nation, has the right to independently take decisions that are in its interests. “India’s oil imports from Russia are minuscule. It’s important to underscore the right that India has, like any other sovereign nation, to independently take decisions that are in its interests,” Hillary said. She said she is arguing that India must be a part of the global response to Russian aggression in Kyiv.

“India is such an important nation and so strategically located. Trying to stop Russia is in everyone’s interest and that’s the argument I’d make,” Hillary said, while pointing out that the US and India are part of Quad as well.

“My argument is that now you are a part of the Quad. I have said in the past that you should look East and also look West,” Hillary said while speaking at the Times Network event.

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