London police searching for man who attacked Jewish man and child

Police in London are searching for a man who was filmed beating a Jewish man and a child in the street in separate incidents on the same day last week.

Security footage shows a tall suspect punching a 64-year-old Hardee Orthodox Jewish man as they cross each other across a street in the heavily-Jewish neighborhood of Stamford Hill. The Jewish security service, Shomrim, wrote on Twitter that the victim suffered minor injuries.

Earlier in the day, the same man punched a Jewish child in the neighborhood, Shomarim said. The child was not hurt much. Shomrim said that he believed the events were hate crimes against jews.

In a separate incident on 12 August, a 72-year-old man was slapped and his kippah beheaded in another suspected hate crime in London.

The man, Ronnie Phillips, was walking with his wife near the Wyndham Theater on Charing Cross Road in the city center, London Jewish News reported.

Jewish men speak in Golders Green, London, January 10, 2015.  The Community Security Trust (CST), which provides security advice to Britain's estimated 260,000 Jews, said police in London and Manchester in northern England had agreed to increase patrols at synagogues and elsewhere.  Next Day's Places(Credit: Reuters/Paul Hackett)Jewish men speak in Golders Green, London, January 10, 2015. The Community Security Trust (CST), which provides security advice to Britain’s estimated 260,000 Jews, said police in London and Manchester in northern England had agreed to increase patrols at synagogues and elsewhere. Next Day’s Places(Credit: Reuters/Paul Hackett)

The attacks are part of a major increase in the number of anti-Semitic incidents reported by CST in the United Kingdom this year.

In the first half of 2021, CST recorded The highest number of anti-Semitic incidents in any six-month period since the issue began to be monitored in the 1980s. There were 1,308 incidents in January-June in 2021, compared to 875 in the same period last year. There were a total of 1,668 events for 2020.

CST said the increase in incidents was partly linked to the May shootings between Hamas and Israel. Of the 1,308 incidents recorded in the first half of 2021, more than 600 occurred in May.

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