Kerala’s Saji Cherian to be Reinstated As Minister After CM’s Recommendation; Swearing-In Tomorrow

Last Update: January 03, 2023, 16:43 IST

Thiruvananthapuram, India

Saji Cherian was then the Minister for Culture, Fisheries and Youth Affairs.  (Photo: Facebook)

Saji Cherian was then the Minister for Culture, Fisheries and Youth Affairs. (Photo: Facebook)

Kerala governor said he has approved the chief minister’s recommendation to re-induct Saji Cherian, who resigned following his remarks on the Constitution and its architects, into the cabinet. BJP and Congress will oppose Cherian’s swearing in

Saji Cherian, MLA from Kerala’s Chengannur constituency, who resigned as minister in July over his alleged remarks insulting the Constitution, will be re-inducted into the cabinet. The swearing-in ceremony will take place in Thiruvananthapuram on January 4.

Based on the direction of the Tiruvalla Judicial First Class Magistrate court, a case was registered against Cherian under Section 2 of the Insults to National Honor (Amendment) Act in July 2022. The opposition protested and demanded his resignation.

Cherian was then the Minister for Culture, Fisheries and Youth Affairs.

Leader of the Opposition VD Satheesan said the Congress would boycott the swearing-in ceremony as a protest and the chief minister should clarify the situation that led to Cherian’s reinstatement.

Meanwhile, the BJP will observe January 4 as Constitution Protection Day in Kerala as a mark of protest.

The Kerala Police had filed a final report in the court in December, absolving Cherian of the charge of disrespecting the Constitution or its architects.

The final report of the police was submitted before the Thiruvalla Judicial First Class Magistrate Court.

The report said that the video and other records cannot prove that the former minister intentionally disrespected the Constitution or its architects.

The report said that the minister had said that the government machinery was using the constitution to exploit the labourers, and he did not insult or disrespect the constitution or its architects.

The police requested the court to close the case on the basis of their report.

Meanwhile, Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan said that he would have to accept the Chief Minister’s recommendation in this matter. “I told the CM what I had to say, that I do not like to discuss. Ultimately the advice of the CM is binding on me in these matters. I have accepted the recommendation of the Chief Minister.

Saji Cherian in his speech in July said, “The Indian Constitution, as written, can exploit people. The British made the constitution, Indians wrote it and it has been in force for 75 years. Whatever others say, I will not agree. India Has written a beautiful constitution, which can be used to loot. In that constitution, there are some places, which have references to secularism, democracy but it can be exploited.

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