Karnataka Government Obtaining Report on Nature of Education at Madrasas: Minister

The Karnataka government is obtaining a report regarding the nature of education at madrasas in the state, School Education and Literacy Minister B C Nagesh said on Wednesday. The minister held a review meeting regarding the formal education provided to students going to madrasas.

He noted that there is a rule according to which after getting religious education at madrasas, students will have to attend nearby schools to obtain a formal education in science and mathematics. Yet, there is no clear and accurate information regarding students getting formal education, Nagesh said.

“In this backdrop, keeping in mind the future of the students studying at madrasas there is a need to know about the nature of education at madrasas,” he was quoted as saying by his office in a statement. Further stating that there was pressure from parents that their children going to madrasas are not getting formal education and to ensure that they are taught both science and mathematics, the minister said a first meeting was held today to examine the education system there.

“Officials have been asked to visit madrasas to inspect whether the education being provided at aided, unaided and private madrasas is in accordance with the Right to Education Act, and if not, what kind of education is being provided,” he added. Pointing out that the department has received complaints regarding madrasas not cooperating when officials visit for inspections, the minister said officials have been asked to visit certain madrasas and submit a report after inspecting it.

“After obtaining information regarding the situation on the ground, a meeting will be held with education experts and those running madrasas. It is the responsibility of the government to provide every child with formal education in accordance with the Right to Education Act, and all attempts are being made to fulfill it. On the whole the intention of the government is that every child has to get quality education,” he added.

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