Janal Kendra said that the liquidation of various government enterprises, including Air India, is nearing completion

The opposition to the privatization of various state-owned enterprises has been vocal in opposition to various trade unions from the very beginning. In his view, Trinamool MP Mala Roy had recently sought information from the Union Finance Ministry regarding the liquidation of state-owned enterprises. based on

The Union Finance Ministry released the list. According to the list, the process of privatization of Air India is nearing completion. The privatization of several other state-owned enterprises has already been completed. The central government plans to privatize a total of 35 state-owned enterprises.

As per the list provided by the Union Finance Ministry, Tata has won the Air India auction. He won the auction last October. Tata has tied up with the Center to get jobs for Air India employees. Under the agreement, they will not be able to lay off any employees. Employees can take voluntary leave on their own. It has also been agreed that the employees will be given all the benefits that they used to get. However, not only in the case of Air India, but also in the case of privatization of all other companies, such an agreement will be made to ensure the employment of employees, the Union Finance Ministry said. In that case, plan to use employees for other purposes.

Apart from Air India, the Center plans to sell important state-owned companies such as Bengal Chemical, Steel Plant, Pawan Hans, etc. Therefore the transaction of Alloy Steel Plant at Durgapur has been postponed.

It was also informed that the process of winding up of State owned enterprises like Bharat Petroleum, Rashtriya Ispat Limited, Steel Plant of Steel Authority of India Limited has already started. Simultaneously, the process of liquidation of Bengal Chemicals and Tourism Development Corporation has also started.

However, Hindustan Newsprint Limited is on the verge of liquidation. However, the process of separation of this organization is currently stuck in the case. According to the Finance Ministry, the liquidation process of Rural Electrification Limited and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation has been completed.
