ISI behind the killing of Kashmiri Pandits: Pakistani intelligence agency ordered attacks in Kashmir, made a hitlist of 200 people

New DelhiOne hour ago

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Pakistani intelligence agency ISI is behind the sudden increase in terrorist attacks against civilians, especially Kashmiri Pandits in Jammu and Kashmir. Terrorist organizations operating in the Kashmir Valley were ordered by the ISI to carry out such attacks last month.

According to a media report, the ISI has also handed over a hitlist of 200 people to the masters of terrorist organizations in a meeting. It includes names of Kashmiri government employees working with security forces and police, non-Kashmiris affiliated with BJP and RSS.

Attacks under changed strategy
According to an India Today report, the ISI held a meeting of the heads of terrorist organizations in Muzaffarabad in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir on September 21. In this, he was asked to create an atmosphere of unrest and fear in Kashmir.

For this, terrorist organizations were asked to change their strategy to target civilians instead of security forces. In particular, instructions were given to target Kashmiri Pandits, so that once again the exodus of the minority Hindu population from the Valley starts and an atmosphere of fear like 1990 can be created.

Indian intelligence agencies issued alert
According to the report, Indian intelligence agencies immediately issued an alert after getting information about the secret meeting of ISI. It was said that during the meeting, the ISI has prepared a plan to carry out large-scale attacks in Jammu and Kashmir. In the meeting, it was specially decided that maximum killings should be done in Indian Kashmir, so that fear could be spread among the minority population.

According to the alert, terrorist organizations have been asked to kill Kashmiris who are working in the police, security forces, intelligence department or other important government departments. The ISI had given instructions to terrorist organizations to selectively target non-Kashmiri civilians associated with BJP and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).

Only after this, in the last few days, terrorist organizations have attacked people belonging to the minority Hindu and Sikh community in the Kashmir Valley.

After the terrorist attacks, the security forces have also intensified the operation.

After the terrorist attacks, the security forces have also intensified the operation.

The names of media persons in the hit list of 200
It has been said in the report that Indian intelligence agencies in their alert have also informed about handing over a hitlist of 200 people to terrorist organizations from ISI. This hit list contains the names of those people, whose murder according to the ISI can create an atmosphere of fear and tension in the valley.

The names of media persons are also included in this hit list. Along with this, there are also names of many such Kashmiri Pandits, who are actively working with the government for the return of Kashmiri Pandits to their homes.

Attackers made local parties without records
It has been said in the alert that ISI and terrorist organizations are not using the already active terrorists on the target of Indian security forces for their conspiracy. Instead, they plan to present these events as instantaneous and entirely localized activity. This has led to the selection of local Kashmiris who have no criminal record but have been sympathizers and supporters of terrorists.

Weapons have come through Uri and Tangdhar
ISI has also provided pistols, AK-47s and grenades to attack these sleeping modules of terrorist organizations. They have been smuggled along the Line of Control (LOC) through Uri and Tangdhar.

According to the intelligence alert, a new organization has been named to take responsibility for these attacks instead of the already active Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed or Hizbul Mujahideen. The motive behind this exercise is to mislead the Indian security forces as well as prevent the international community from linking Pakistani connections to these attacks.

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