Iran, US to start talks on indirect nuclear deal in Qatar

Iran talks to us, Iran talks to us nuclear
Image Source: AP

Iran, US to start talks on indirect nuclear deal in Qatar


  • Iran and the United States appeared set to launch indirect talks in Qatar on Tuesday.
  • The aim of the talks will be to find a way to salvage Tehran’s broken nuclear deal with world powers.
  • Bagheri Kani was in Qatar’s capital Doha for the resumption of talks.

Iran and the United States appeared set to launch indirect talks in Qatar on Tuesday aimed at finding a way to salvage Tehran’s nuclear deal with world powers. The state-owned Tehran Times posted a photo of Iran’s top nuclear negotiator Ali Bagheri Qani with Iranian Ambassador to Qatar Hamidreza Dehghani in a hotel lobby. The paper said Bagheri was in Qatar’s capital Doha to resume talks.

US Special Representative for Iran Rob Malle arrived in Qatar on Monday night ahead of talks. The US embassy in Qatar said Mali met with Qatar’s Foreign Minister Mohamed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani and discussed “joint diplomatic efforts to resolve issues with Iran”, but immediately declined to give any other details about his visit. refused.

Iran and world powers agreed to a nuclear deal in 2015, with Tehran substantially limiting its enrichment of uranium in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions. In 2018, then-President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew the US from the accord, raising tensions in the wider Middle East and sparking a series of attacks and incidents.

Negotiations in Vienna about reviving the deal have been on a “pause” since March. Since the collapse of the deal, Iran has been running advanced centrifuges and has a rapidly growing stockpile of enriched uranium.

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