International Yoga Day 2023: 8 Yoga Asanas And Techniques To Help Senior Citizens

International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on 21st June with an aim to highlight the importance of yoga and its many health benefits. Over the years, yoga has gained worldwide popularity due to its holistic benefits – it is not only good for your physical fitness but also for your mental health. Being essentially a low-intensity workout, yoga – when done under proper guidance – can be practiced by people of varying fitness levels and ages. Come learn with Master Sneha Desai from JetSynthesys how and what types of yoga asanas can benefit senior citizens.

International Yoga Day 2023: Benefits of Yoga for Elderly

Sneha Desai says, “Seniors, who often struggle with pain, joint stress, imbalance, osteoarthritis, and other physical limitations, can benefit from incorporating yoga exercises into their daily routine. Many yoga poses focus on balance and stability.” do, both are incredibly important. Your age. When we focus on opening the inner legs, and outer hips, and strengthening the quads – it helps maintain balance in the body and helps reduce back and knee pain. helps to reduce.

Some of the potential benefits of yoga include:

• Improved strength, flexibility and body balance
• Enhanced Mobility
• Decreased risk of falling
• Improve sleep quality
• Improved cognition and mental health
• Decreased pain
• Improves metabolic function for conditions like high blood pressure, high glucose level, high cholesterol, weight management

Yoga Asanas for Senior Citizens

Sneha Desai lists the following asanas for senior citizens:

1. Side Warrior Pose / Virabhadrasana

how to do it:

• Find a stable standing position with your feet a foot apart.
• Turn your right leg 90 degrees to the right while keeping your left leg slightly bent inward.
• Place your hands on your waist, grounding through the feet and lengthening through the crown or top of the head.
• Take a deep breath and while exhaling bend your right knee till it is in line with the ankle below it.
• Extend your arms beyond the shoulders while looking at the front hand.
• Breathe in and maintain the pose for five deep breaths. Feel the power of currency.
• To release, press off your right foot, straighten your right leg, and bring your legs back to center.
• Return to standing position comfortably.
• Repeat on the other side.
• Can be done while sitting on a chair for better alignment.

benefits: According to internationally recognized yoga teacher, Brahmani Libman, this pose helps improve strength and balance. It focuses on the lower extremities, including the gluteus maximus, quadriceps muscles, and supporting muscles of the lower back and core, which are muscle groups that help with overall balance and body strength.

2. Supta Matsyendrasana / Simple Reclining Twist with a Pillow

how to do it:

• Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet hip-width apart.
• Keep your hands at shoulder level at 180 degrees, palms facing up.
• Keep the pillow on the side where the foot is going, support the foot on the pillow.
• Without lifting the shoulders, turn your body to your left and head to your right, straighten your left leg.
• Take a deep breath and maintain the pose for a couple of breaths.
• Start coming back to the middle to release slowly.
• Pause, breathe and feel the effects of the pose.
• Repeat on the other side.
• Bed exercises can be done before sleeping or before getting out of bed.

benefits: This posture is considered to be a forceful asana. “The practice of holding passive posture targets the connective tissues and bones, allowing the body to find its natural alignment,” explains Libman. “As we age, the body can greatly benefit from restorative poses like this one, as it keeps the joints more fluid, allowing our movements to occur more easily. This pose can be very beneficial in helping to calm the nervous system before sleep.
Note: This pose is contraindicated for older adults with osteoporosis (or a history of spinal compression fractures).

3. One Post Rajakapotasana / Seated Pigeon Pose

how to do it:

• Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor.
• Raise your right leg and place your right ankle on your left knee. Make your form as square as possible.
• You can pose in this position. For more of a stretch, lean forward as far as you comfortably go.
• Maintain the position for about 5 deep breaths.
• Repeat on the other side.

benefits: This asymmetrical position opens up the hips and inner legs which helps you sit in a variety of positions and can aid digestion. This allows the back to feel relaxed.

4. Marjaryasana / Bitilasana – Cat / Cow pose

how to do it:

• Begin in tabletop position – palms under shoulders and knees under hips, neutral spine
• Inhale to lower the belly and arch the back, lift the chin
• Exhale to round the back and push into the ground with the palms.
• Repeat 5-10 times and then return to tabletop position
• In case of knee or back problems, it can be practiced with hands on a chair, wall or table.

shift: If there is pain in the knees, use a blanket under the knees. You can also practice a seated chair yoga variation of this pose – place palms on knees and lead from lower back – inhale to arch the back and exhale to round the back.

benefits: Great for spinal mobility and flexibility. It is also great for dealing with stress and can be used successfully to help with high blood pressure and insomnia. For seniors with back pain, this is a great pose to start with.

5. Matsyendrasana / Seated Twisted Pose

how to do it:

• Sit on a chair with your legs as wide as possible on either side
• Take your right hand to the right of the front leg and move the left arm diagonally up
• Look at the hand upwards and try to make the shoulders in a straight line
• Simple option, place one hand on your knee and bend the other
• Stay here for 5-8 breaths
• Repeat it on the other side

benefits: Helps to open shoulders, armpits, inner legs and outer hips. Allows you to feel the twist using the core. Opens the lungs and slows the breath.

6. Shirshasana / Shirshasana

how to do it:

• Sit on a chair with your legs as wide as possible on either side.
• Take a deep breath in and on the next exhale start to bend forward from the lower back and place your hands on the floor or any other chair in front of you
• Stay here for 5-8 breaths or as long as you can
• Always come back before shortness of breath occurs
• Give yourself permission to go as low as you can but only if you are comfortable

benefits: By doing this you will get blood flow to the head allowing all the veins to receive blood flow, and allowing the outer buttock as well as the inner legs to open up. Breathing is relaxed and the back feels good too.

Note: People who have high BP should not stay there for more than 3 breaths, if needed someone should also be kept around them.

7. Kneeling on a pillow

how to do it:

• Lying on your back, place your knees on a bolster or 2 pillows to support your knees.
• Let your legs relax and make sure your back is flat
• Let your hands be out at shoulder level or hip level with palms facing up
• Make sure your head is relaxed and comfortable
• Stay here as long as you can
• To come back up, bend your knees, roll to one side, and then sit up.

benefits: Helps the lower back and knees, releases tension and anxiety, allowing the breath to become completely relaxed. Very good for high bp and anxiety. Can be practiced on a mat or bed. Best results are obtained just before bedtime.

8. Lying on a pillow provides relief in sciatica and back pain.

how to do it:

• Lying on your back, prop your knees up to your ankles on a bolster or 2 pillows for support, keeping your legs at a 90-degree angle.
• Let your legs relax and make sure your back is flat
• Support your head with another small pillow or your hand, or just rest it on the ground next to your hand
• Make sure your head is relaxed and comfortable
• Stay here as long as you can
• To come back, bend your knees, twist and repeat on the other side

benefits: Helps with lower back pain, sciatica, relieves stress and anxiety, making breathing completely relaxed. It is great for high BP and anxiety, and best for sleep. Can be practiced on a mat or bed. Best results are obtained in the morning, just before getting out of bed.

(This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals. The views expressed by the experts quoted in the article are their own, not endorsed by Zee News. Always consult your doctor And consult a fitness expert before starting any new exercise regime.)